

  Manma was just eight years old when she realized that she was born differently. She was born into a struggling family. She was the oldest of five siblings. Her father was always high and her mother was always looking for food and she had to stay home to take care of her hungry siblings. This morning she was seated outside in the cold looking down the earth. She sat propping up her knees and resting her chin on her shaking knees. She was sobbing with a stick on her hand and she wrote something on the sand. "Who am I?". Yes who is she? But, I see her in every street of Abak. She is always crying, sometimes I see her begging for bread, sometimes people send her on errands. I saw her the other day wearing tarred clothes and when I tried to say hello she ran. Who is this girl? What kept her in this misery? Who is Manma? Friends, tell me if you have ever seen her in your street. Please tell me more about her. What can we do to help her? Do not bother about her color because she c

The Holy Ghost Fire

 The Holy Ghost fire is real. Let the Holy Ghost come down on us and change our lives. God help us because we are helpless without you. Lord have mercy. Come Holy Ghost, Come Lord Jesus. We are waiting for you, Come!


  The Holy Spirit If you are a Christian you will agree with me that you are familiar with The Holy Spirit. You might have heard that once you receive Jesus Christ you must also receive the Holy Spirit. You might also have heard that the Holy Spirit helps you to live in accordance with the word of God. Yes, these are true word of God. It becomes troubling and problematic when people who do not have the Holy Spirit although they pretend and act as Christians. If you are not a Christian or you are a fallen "brethren" you might have heard about the Holy Spirit. Some might have gotten tired of hearing about Him to the extent that they hate to hear about or associate with Him. This is also true of many of us because of falsehood, unbelief and misunderstanding due to wrong interpretations and applications of the person of the Holy Spirit. It is important that we revisit this great person in the life of a believer. He is a very important and the closest person to the believer. Do yo

What Marriage has Done to One

 Introduction:  Today, I came across a Facebook post where a woman was lamenting her woes in marriage disappointment. She said before she got married to her husband she was beautiful, in a lucrative business and a good Christian girl. She shyly put in that when this man asked her hand in marriage, her church minister, I believe, warned her concerning the man. She was advised not to go ahead with the marriage, but, according to her, "The love " she had for this fellow was too great to give her a listening ear and/or a comprehensive heart. She went ahead anyway to marry the man. Barely six months into the marriage the roof of the marriage started leaking and collapsing. By the time she knew what was happening she felt the foundation shaking violently. Then she realized that the marriage was built on a makeshift foundation! Now, she became ill and became a shadow of herself, the man took over her lucrative business while she spent all her days in bed. There was nothing wrong wit


They say it will save our lives, but it is indirectly killing our brain and creating spiritual separation. In a situation where you are in one room with someone you may not know very well and will not be able to recognize outside the workplace, then something is wrong. We should be scared! It is trending, but who knows where it would lead us. I have kept quiet about it while observing what is going on. “This mask thing is something else.” a friend said to me. Yes, there is something about it that needs to be said not that there is anything to be done about it. Because from the look of things there is nothing to do about it unless by faith people choose to do away with it. But people of faith are in a real war with the health industry, politicians, and the world at large. Since I do not want to go into politics because I am not one and I do not understand it, I will desist from addressing this matter politically. I am not in the health industry, and I cannot address any health issues si

How to Behave at the Table for Credibility and Protection

  Be cautious and apply wisdom in everything one does. Everyone has the freedom to do whatever one wishes and wants to do with one's life, however one may get into real trouble exercising such freedom and rights. The generation of young people today are carried away by the law of "rights" and many women are wrapped up in the darkness of "freedom and equality" that they lost the virtue of respect, dignity, and motherhood. Furthermore, citizens and subjects of the ruling council due to corruption and oppression have lost respect for the office of the land and talk frivolously against the man on the seat there by dishonoring the seat and many are hurt by this. Today the Christian Kingdom of freedom of worship and church planting have produced many unemployed, poverty stricken, untrained, unconverted, and Holy Ghost deprived "men and women of god" all over the streets and webs. These categories of preachers, apostles, teachers, prophets, and seers are ch

When Life Becomes Overwhelmingly too hard

We are called to blossom in this world, however,  the cares for the things of the world becomes too burdensome and heavy over our shoulders that if one does not apply the wisdom of the Lord one may offload on the wrong bus stop. Instead of offloading wrongly one should examine the loads and find out why the loads are too heavy to carry. The Bible says that, "No temptation has overtaken you except such as is common to man; but God is faithful, who will not allow you to be tempted beyond what you are able, but with the temptation will also make the way of escape, that you may be able to bear it."   Temptations comes from the things one permits to happen to one and the kind of people one surrounds self with. When one walks away from the path that leads to godliness and wanders into the path of perdition, knowingly or unknowingly, one immediately starts experiencing problems. So, before one loses hope, one should make some checks as in 2 Corinthians 13: 5-7 and through pray