
Fragrance of the Holy Spirit

How do I Know That the Spirit of God is in me?  One day after talking to a group of people about making self available for the Holy Spirit for perfection, one sister came to me and asked me, "Ma, how do I know that the Holy Spirit is in me?" My reflex answer was and still is "The Fragrance of the Holy Spirit." You can smell the Holy Spirit just as you can smell the unholy spirit. When you smell the good aroma, you would want to linger around and even would intensionally inhale more of it so, it is with the fragrance of the Holy Spirit. Fragrance of the Holy Spirit Likened to different aromas of scent If the spirit of God is in you you will bear good fruit, " By their fruit you will recognize them. Are grapes gathered from thorn bushes, or figs from thistles?" (Matt 7: 16) "A good tree cannot bear bad fruit, and a bad tree cannot bear good fruit." (Matt 7: 18).   The fruit of the holy spirit include,  " But the fruit of the Spirit

How to Hear From God

"Wherewithal shall a young man cleanse his way? by taking heed  thereto  according to thy word.  With my whole heart have I sought thee: O let me not wander from thy commandments.  Thy word have I hid in mine heart, that I might not sin against thee." (Psalm 119: 9) There are many ways God speaks to His children on a daily bases. But the basic and prominent way is through His word in the Bible. When we hear someone speak to us about God from the Bible we must listen attentively because God is speaking to us. When we consciously read the Bible, we must pay attention because God is speaking to us through His word - the Bible When we attend fellowship and listen to the sermon or Bible study services, God speaks to us. However we must make effort on an individual bases to seek deeper understanding of God's word by disciplining ourselves to hearing from Him. Therefore follow this concise step to hear from God. When you become a person who seeks God always and des

Seven Abominations that Upsets God

When we talk about sin we quickly reflect on the Mount Sinai Tablets of written God's laws titled, "The Ten Commandments" (Exodus 20: 1-17). A failure to keep these rules/laws as it affects our ethical, moral and ritual standards is what constitutes sin. However the scripture also reveals some ethical and moral behaviors which God hates and are denoted abominations. These behaviors are hated by God because they affect the body soul and the spirit so badly even though they could be passed by as nothing. The book of Proverbs tries to describe the person who commits these sins with these words, "A naughty person, a wicked man, walks with a froward mouth. He winks with his eyes, he speaks with his feet, he teaches with his fingers. Frowardness  is  in his heart, he devises mischief continually and sows discord.Therefore shall his calamity come suddenly; suddenly shall he be broken without remedy. These six  things  doth the LORD hate: yea, seven  are  an abomina

Light Over Powers the Ddarkness

Hard worker with low pay When you work hard with no hard earn Walk straight to the wall street Tell the talebearer to tell your tale Don't let the street hacks hack the story Report the search engine on Google Let  Bing bring the bugs to book And the President will tweet it How else could one get richer?

Stepping up

Stepping up No man is bad. No woman is bad. No girl is ugly. No man is poor. God made them good. God made them rich. Good and bad are the qualifying by the mind, Powered by the feeling influenced by experience or hear-says. Riches are the exaggerations of the ease to which one gets away with desires, Powered by economic control and financial plans. Poor/poverty is the exaggeration of the vision marred by no-life-path plans, birth, country and the state of the mind. Yet I see one born in poverty who becomes rich, Are you? I have seen one born in plenty who begs to eat, Are you? I have seen perversity muted and wisdom speaks. Are you? The differences are listen to wisdom and apply discretion. Happy weekend my friends.

Christians are in the World

      Sometimes Christians tend to separate themselves from this world as if God created a separate world for them to live in. 'This is completely wrong', you may think considering the fact that Jesus Himself said,  "You are from beneath; I am from above. You are of this world; I am not of this world."  John8: 23 (NKJV) Chinyere and the Youths in Faith This is an indication that we all reside in this world and are influenced by the world as it is. We shop the same shops, we eat the same product of the earth and we are influenced by the same political systems, religious systems, health systems and economic systems, and all together "World system". And we are all condemned to die the same death and meet with the same fate at the judgment seat of the creator of the entire universe! However some feel that they will not die the same death and will not be judged the same. What makes people then say and believe this even