


Would You Rather Hire Someone to Read the Bible and Pray for You?

 I have developed the idea of checking my faith and spiritual wellbeing by asking myself some questions that would help me to know when I am strong or weak in my relationship with God. First I would ask myself what makes me a Christian. Am I a Christian? A Christian is someone who believes in one God through Jesus Christ. He/she is a person whose life is transformed to live the life of Jesus Christ. A Christian is one who has accepted Jesus Christ as Lord and savior and lives everyday by the precepts and statutes of the Lord. He is someone who depends on God knowing that with God it is well with him. His life is constantly growing spiritually, renewing his mind and living on the word of God. Are you a Christian? If yes, I am glad because I am your sister. However, do you take care of your spiritual health?  If your answers to these questions below is yes, then you are healthy but if there is any no to one of these questions then you need to do some spiritual check ups. You need to


What is the Purpose of the Book of Psalms? Since psalms mean songs, the main purpose of the psalms is for singing. From the content of each psalm we know the kind of song it is. From the beginning of the Psalms 1 to the end of Psalms 150, prominent is God, His eminence, might, His creative power, His provision, guidance, counsel, and Love. His abhorrence of sin and evil, His loving kindness and forgiveness, well spelt out. The call for men to worship God, the only true God as well as the denouncing and condemnation of Idol worships made it clear that the book of Psalm is dedicated to the worship of God.     The Usage There are two main usages, 1.      For Corporate worship 2.      For individual/personal devotion to God The use of Psalms in the public or communal worship became popular during the reign of King David who wrote over 73 of the psalms. He and his contemporary musicians put these psalms into musical rhythms with instruments to the worship of God. Prior to

Read the Introduction of the Book

Read The Introduction of the Book Most of the times when we open a book we start reading the chapters without reading the preface and even the introduction. It is a bad attitude because it does not give us the prior knowledge of what to expect in the inside of the entire book. It is very important to read a book from the first page to the end of the pages. The Bible itself has introduction that teaches us how to use the books to benefit us and if we do not read such interesting and beneficial introductions how would we make full and successful use of the book as a whole? Yeah, we depend on the teachers to read up such areas and teach us as though from heaven. Again, each of the sixty-six books of the Bible has introduction.   Some of the introductions are elaborate while some are simple depending on the purpose and audience of the edition.   A compact easy to carry bible may not have all the introductions but a study Bible has elaborate and intrinsic introduction that explai

The Usefulness of the Book of Psalms to a Christian Believer.

Click on the picture to read. If you are coming across this book for the first time, the book of Psalms is one of the books of the Christian Bible. It is situated almost at the middle of the Bible flanked left and right by the books of Job (left) and the Proverbs (right). I classify it as an Old Testament book of wisdom. Most of the psalms in this book were written by King David, the second king of Israel, through whose lineage, Jesus came but he was not the sole writer as some may think. When I started growing up as a Christian, I started reading the Bible in obedience to the call to read it, not that I was willing or had any desire to read it. I started by attending Christian services and was drawn towards the preachers and teachers of sermon and Bible studies. I was amazed by the depth of the knowledge they had. I wondered why they had such knowledge that I could not fathom. Well, I made up my mind to listen to them and Xerox their knowledge, hence I determine to jot

The Rascally Tongue

"And the tongue is a fire, a world of iniquity. The tongue is so set among our members that it defiles the whole body, and sets on fire the course of nature and it set on fire by hell." (James 3:6) The tongue is a visible organ of the body. Position the Tongue However, enclosed in the oral cavity Guided by two powerful upper and lower mandibles Living between two sets of sharp crushing teeth. The teeth guard and protect the tongue The teeth do not bite the tongue Excepts she drives rough. The tongue influences the entire body. Fact, the tongue claims to do every thing for the body. She speaks for the body. She is the attorney of the heart, mind and body What else does she do? When the legs walk to a place, and one asks, who brought you here? Before the feet move, the tongue says, 'I came here by myself.' Oh sharp tongue, I was asking the legs, not you!" 'I am sorry.' She goes again. When the hand knocks at the door "bam bam!&q


Dinah has just dropped her husband, Joe, at work and was heading home. Regrettably, there was trouble in her head as she drove. Her handsome, caring and loving husband has just dropped a biological weapon on her before he kissed her bye and entered his office.   Although the point of entry of the damaging material was her ear, she was not able to say something in response before she started experiencing something strange in her entire system. Her heart was hit so hard, that she felt that she was having a heart attack. She was a strong woman so she tried to forget what had happened and continue to drive on. However, her head was not agreeing with her resolve. She continued to drive, ' home is better' she encouraged herself. No, no! she started seeing double as she was about to make an entrance into the freeway. She thought she saw the green light but it was the red light. Yes; right then an impatient young driver who had the right of way hit her car. She lost consciousness. T