

Understanding Wisdom Pray, Study, Prepare, Post, Pray again! Continuing from yesterday’s discussion on wisdom and foolishness, it is clear that wisdom that we think we know and operate in is the shadow of real wisdom. I say this because while dictionary tend to define wisdom as the quality of being wise; power of judging rightly and following the soundest course of action based on knowledge, experience, understanding etc.; the Bible says that the fear of God is the beginning of wisdom. Therefore, what is the difference in the dictionary meaning of wisdom and the Biblical explanation of wisdom, not visibly much but qualitatively and spiritually a lot. We struggle every day to work and walk wisely. No one wants to work or walk foolishly yet sometimes the observer would note some foolish decisions and discussions we did.   Have you ever said something and after wards, it lingered in your heart and mind, thinking that you would have said it better or differently were you to


HOW CAN I UNDERSTAND THE FEAR OF THE LORD There is no way I am going to understand the fear of the Lord unless I am wise. Sometimes it is confusing to say I am wise when what I do or say get me in trouble. Even when I do not get in trouble some people close to me suffer because of my one single act of ‘ wisdom/judgment’ Sometimes I wonder why and how I do somethings even when people praise me yet I cannot explain how I came about it. I guess I am wise and foolish at the same time. Yet I want the foolish aspect of my life to burn off, like the dross covering silver is heated off but I do not know how. Well I read this today, ‘If You Lack Wisdom, ask God to Give You wisdom’ ( Pro 2:3,4 ; James1:5, ). This got me really shaking; and wondering about my abilities, am I wise or foolish? The question is, How can you tell that you are foolish?  Where does the smoke come? Once I am able to answer the above question, I will then seek the right help. If you are not wise, then you

Every Journey Needs a Map, How do you get your directions?

Take a deep breath, inhale deep and exhale long enough to shower your brain with moisture. Remember that whatever decision you make becomes part of your life and legacy. I want to tell you this story, may be it will be useful to you when you are pressured. I have been praying and waiting on the Lord for financial breakthrough. It was like, what I am doing was not helping my family, I am praying for a change of direction in my line of business. I was sure that I needed to do something but I need God to guide me to the right thing to do. Watch out for the green Light! Last night I had a dream. I saw myself in a suburban city. There were many hungry looking human beings. Prominent among the people I recognized was my former land Lord's ex-wife. I was going to a place and she had already been to the place. We met, as we were going opposite directions. She told me that there were nothing good where I was going. I was late, she went before but could not get anything. She was really


Hello Beloved in the Lord, Friends and Family, As you see that, our world is troubled. In some cases we do not have solutions. In some areas, we assume that we know the right thing to do, yet at long run, we discover that our considered opinions and strategies do not work well. This does not in anyway suggest that we are not smart. It only shows that we are not perfect and no one has it all. You know that, when we as individuals have problems, we cry out to the government. The government through her various arms, locally and internationally, address such problems. Sometimes such helps come right on time, and adequately satisfies our demands but in some other circumstances such helps seem to ridicule our needs and desires and we cry out to the general public for opinions and activism. At this we blame, we curse, we threaten and some fear-gripped and heartless individuals go on rampage killing people they are actually trying to protect. If you are an African, you will agree with m

Have You Formed This Habit Yet, or are You Still Waiting?

Dear Reader, Did you pray before turning on your computer or cell phone this morning? You see, prayer is what distinguishes you from an ordinary person. Prayer is a relationship with God. You should pray about everything and wherever you are. Prayer does not take extra time than your early morning or late evening workout routine. The problem is that many Christians do not pray as they ought to pray because of many reasons, legitimate it may seem but when you understand prayer as a life wire of faith, you will pray like you never before. When you understand what prayer is to you, you will make it to appear in your daily life schedule. What is prayer? Prayer is communicating with God. Prayer is crying out to God. Prayer is praising God through songs and worship. Prayer is when you think about God and make Him fill every facet of your heart and mind, i.e reflecting and contemplating. Prayer is calling out to God and asking Him for some help, thanking Him for what he has done or what he


Hey, Growing up, graduating from any level of education is also an introduction into another new level of learning. It may be conventional, like regular classroom setting, unconventional like learning-as-you-go, new work opportunities, relationship successes and disappointments. For a fresh person, who has been in the perfect care and protection of fathers, mothers, godfathers and godmothers, you may experience a lost or you may dive into the abyss of unsuccessful trials to cope, kind of life. I was a victim of it all but a time came in my life when I learned that no one can accept me, no one can affirm me and no one can create or lead me to success except I. From that moment, I started another school of self-discovering. I was quick to discover that I cannot know who I am until I know who my mother and father were. It was pathetic so, I believed. It gave me strength because the entire soul searching revealed to me that my parents were just lost like I was until they found themselves


THE PRAYER OF AGUR, THE POET (Pro30:1-14) “ AGUR, the writer of Proverbs 30, in verse 7 prayed to God and said, “Two things I asked of you; do not refuse me before I die.” He went on to list the two things as, those things that devastate the world, deception and lies, poverty and richness. 1. Keep deception and lies far from me, he prayed, 2. Give me neither poverty nor riches; Feed me with the food that is my portion. I do not want to be full and deny you and say, who is God. I do not want to be in want of what to eat then steal and profane your name. (Proverbs 30:8-9) paraphrased. Keep deception and lies far from me When he said, keep deception away from me, he was not only praying to God to take away deceptive people from him. He was equally praying to God to help him not to deceive himself by assuming who he is not. Lying is deception, and the Bible tells us that lying carries the same weight as witchcraft. Agur does not want to lie; he does not want to face the punishment