

THE PRAYER OF AGUR, THE POET (Pro30:1-14) “ AGUR, the writer of Proverbs 30, in verse 7 prayed to God and said, “Two things I asked of you; do not refuse me before I die.” He went on to list the two things as, those things that devastate the world, deception and lies, poverty and richness. 1. Keep deception and lies far from me, he prayed, 2. Give me neither poverty nor riches; Feed me with the food that is my portion. I do not want to be full and deny you and say, who is God. I do not want to be in want of what to eat then steal and profane your name. (Proverbs 30:8-9) paraphrased. Keep deception and lies far from me When he said, keep deception away from me, he was not only praying to God to take away deceptive people from him. He was equally praying to God to help him not to deceive himself by assuming who he is not. Lying is deception, and the Bible tells us that lying carries the same weight as witchcraft. Agur does not want to lie; he does not want to face the punishment

Hatred, Not Good For You

What is hatred? The dictionary definition of hatred is a condition or a state of strong dislike. Hatred is also an ill will. In other words, hatred is a hostile, unfriendly, unkind determination against something or someone. The Bible includes hatred among others as foolishness and living in the darkness. • Hatred is foolishness (Titus3:3) • Hatred is living in the darkness (1John 2:9) Hatred is a natural response to negative stimulus. We have the natural instinct to respond negatively to any action that opposes or infringes our freedom. We tend to withdraw, avoid, shut down communication or snap at such negations with negativity. God intends that His children to live in freedom of association and we know that no man can live isolation and succeed long enough. Loving one another and everything, that God bless us with makes interaction easy and gives us freedom. Living in happiness and tolerance promotes healthy life and longevity. What does hatred do? It is like cancer in the

What have we done wrong?

One major problem the world has is domination. It started from the first social setting, the home. The husband dominated the wife, husband and wife dominated their children to mold them to obey every whim of theirs. They goaded their children with both negative and positive cultural rights undermining the long run effects on them and on the society. The whole problem we suffer today is the result of applauding detrimental values and rewarding evil achievement. From the cradle of civilization, the early men in their cannibalistic behaviors taught themselves and their children to become warriors. They fight inter-tribal and guerrilla wars and celebrate their victories.   They reward and crown their children as they grow up the ways they think, in cannibalistic behaviors. The tribal wars were attempts to exterminate one tribe in other to dominate the world. Sometimes I wonder when wars and killings would stop in this world. I think about all the peace talks, allies and treaties that h

Let the world around me go wrong, I will strife to be right

What is going on? We call observable positive changes in a social setting civilization. It was civilization when man started documenting events in carvings, sculpture and wood as well as stone inscriptions. Hence, one carving could tell volume of stories, if it were, written with the alphabet, we use in this generation. Hieroglyphics from Africa, the Roman numerals, Greek alphabets Aramaic and Arabic writing e.t.c showed the cradle of language and writing civilization. Gradually, the world developed standard languages in letters and numerals. Another aspect of civilization is the art of clothing with fabrics. The materials used in, sewing and coloring/dying came a long way. In the beginning there were no clothes to cover the skin and people went about their business bared as God created them and when they invented cloth it was not large enough to cover the entire body hence they were half clothed. Today there are different kinds of coverings made to suit us for weather and occasions

What you do with your circumstances is your choice, your life

In the course of life on earth one encounters circumstances which may become obstacles or opportunities depending on how one reacts in, and to the circumstances. It is up to you to make your circumstance an obstacle against your progress or make it a bridge that would lead to the mountains of potential opportunities. Take for example, a young girl was raped when she was 13 years old by her sister's husband. She told her sister about the rape but she did not believe her. This young girl lived with her sister and was repeatedly raped by her brother- in-law until she turned 18 years. She carried the fear, intimidation and shame throughout her high school courses. She did not tell anyone about it because she did not think that anyone would believe her; if her older sister whom she trusted could not believe her, who else would, she rationalized. During this period, she busied herself researching on rape victims and how they survived. She also tried to see answer, to the question, why m
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 Bombastic Depression Pressed down, sunk deep, low spirit, gloomy and sad  You are sick, they say.  You are an explosive episode in my life   I know how you live When nothing interests me to do than to cry When anger is more appealing to apply than to joy When addiction is more pleasing than to reason It could be You inflicting demonic afflictions When coffee becomes more filling than food,  I know you are suppressing my appetite for food.  I stand before the open fridge and gaze  I cannot remember why I opened it but I gaze  I guess you stool my memory away.    In the dark of the night while others sleep, I stay awake In the dawn of the morning, I am disoriented and fading I laugh at my emptiness hiding my true feeling  I nag and curse instead of gently speaking blessing  I understand that you are paranoia.  Doctor says it is mood swing, yes bipolar Double personality scares me.  This explains why I want to be alone  While my friends want us to hang out t