
Showing posts with the label Do the Psalm

The Usefulness of the Book of Psalms to a Christian Believer.

Click on the picture to read. If you are coming across this book for the first time, the book of Psalms is one of the books of the Christian Bible. It is situated almost at the middle of the Bible flanked left and right by the books of Job (left) and the Proverbs (right). I classify it as an Old Testament book of wisdom. Most of the psalms in this book were written by King David, the second king of Israel, through whose lineage, Jesus came but he was not the sole writer as some may think. When I started growing up as a Christian, I started reading the Bible in obedience to the call to read it, not that I was willing or had any desire to read it. I started by attending Christian services and was drawn towards the preachers and teachers of sermon and Bible studies. I was amazed by the depth of the knowledge they had. I wondered why they had such knowledge that I could not fathom. Well, I made up my mind to listen to them and Xerox their knowledge, hence I determine to jot