What Marriage has Done to One


Today, I came across a Facebook post where a woman was lamenting her woes in marriage disappointment. She said before she got married to her husband she was beautiful, in a lucrative business and a good Christian girl. She shyly put in that when this man asked her hand in marriage, her church minister, I believe, warned her concerning the man. She was advised not to go ahead with the marriage, but, according to her, "The love " she had for this fellow was too great to give her a listening ear and/or a comprehensive heart. She went ahead anyway to marry the man. Barely six months into the marriage the roof of the marriage started leaking and collapsing. By the time she knew what was happening she felt the foundation shaking violently. Then she realized that the marriage was built on a makeshift foundation! Now, she became ill and became a shadow of herself, the man took over her lucrative business while she spent all her days in bed. There was nothing wrong with her medically because she had been to many hospitals and no clinical diagnoses pinpointed what was wrong with her. Before she knew her fate in health, the love of her life abandoned her and went off with her business to marry another woman. She is left alone, no love, no business and no health. Well, this is the stories we continue to hear about marriages, and you would be pushed to ask, does one have to get into marriage at all? 

In another post a young man wrote, "THE WORST PRISON IN THE WORLD IS A HOME WITHOUT PEACE. BE CAREFUL WHOM YOU CHOSE TO MARRY OR FALL IN LOVE WITH. NUMEROUS ENTITIES ROAMING HEADLESSLY & SENSELESSLY. BE WISELY SMART." Wow! I exclaimed. This young man although not married but he has experienced something that pushed him to write this. Yea, marriage is a tough institution. What then shall we do? I will not lie to you, young men and women who want to go into marriage, go ahead and get married, marriage completes you as a man and you as a woman. Marriage is the oldest institution on earth. If you believe in the story of creation, I believe as a Christian, marriage was instituted by God himself to be a sacred institution; with the vision to populate the world and live in love (Genesis 2: 21 - 25; Genesis1: 28).

Why then are so many problems in marriage? The answer is simply, disobedience. We will narrow this problem down and find simple solution and amendments to the root cause of marital problems.
Causes of marital problems:
  1. Cleaving to ones matrilineal/patrilineal side against cleaving to the wife/husband
  2. Lying/deceit from the onset of the marriage
  3. Lack of trust
  4. Financial issues
  5. Different kinds of abuses
  6. Legal/social issues
  7. Infertility
  8. Infidelity
  9. Unemployment
  10. A third party in the marriage
  11.  Choice of career/profession
  12. Carelessness/neglect
  13. Unequal foundation


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