When Life Becomes Overwhelmingly too hard

We are called to blossom in this world, however,  the cares for the things of the world becomes too burdensome and heavy over our shoulders that if one does not apply the wisdom of the Lord one may offload on the wrong bus stop. Instead of offloading wrongly one should examine the loads and find out why the loads are too heavy to carry. The Bible says that,
"No temptation has overtaken you except such as is common to man; but God is faithful, who will not allow you to be tempted beyond what you are able, but with the temptation will also make the way of escape, that you may be able to bear it."


Temptations comes from the things one permits to happen to one and the kind of people one surrounds self with. When one walks away from the path that leads to godliness and wanders into the path of perdition, knowingly or unknowingly, one immediately starts experiencing problems. So, before one loses hope, one should make some checks as in 2 Corinthians 13: 5-7 and through prayers and meditations, and asking God for revelations, God will make one to understand why the temptation is overwhelming. He is faithful to reveal everything to anyone who seeks Him. One must follow suit to make amendment immediately. So that the heavy load may be removed.

How to review one’s lifestyle for a positive change and better life

Ask yourself questions and honestly answer such questions. Just be open to the Holy SPirit as you go through this section.

1.       What have I done wrong? Correct it.

2.       Where did I go, why?

3.       Who did I meet and brought into my life?

4.       Who prayed for me or laid hand on me?

5.       Where did I fellowship before this heaviness?

6.       What is my temperament? What do I need to change about me?

7.       What is my attitude to prayer?

8.       How do I treat the word of God?

9.       How open am I towards godliness?

10.    How do I treat other people?

11.   What am I vulnerable to?

After answering these and more questions that would come to your mind and treating them with positive and workable solutions you will feel your load lighter. It would be a mistake to ask that the entire load be taken away. It is not possible; the loads came to you gradually and gradually they will leave if you place your faith in God with determination to leave the extra loads behind you.

The loads are normal to help us to remember that we are mortals. We need help from God.


Anonymous said…
The Word of God clearly guide our thoughts and spirit because it is flawless and must be fulfilled just like the blogger relayed that no temptation can overwhelm us as long as we make the delebrate choice of obeying and walking with Jesus Christ.

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