Parents Are Responsible For The Fate of Their Children Most of The Times


I woke up this morning and my whole heart is filled with the reality of what is happening all over the world. The increasing and abating violence, and the degree at which our youths are being destroyed in our streets is scary. In Genesis 6:5, "Then the Lord saw that the wickedness of man was great in the earth, and that every intent of the thoughts of his heart was only evil continually."

One may ask,

·       Why, why does man think only of evil?
·       What does man gain from evil?
·       Why does man live in this wickedness?
The first sin on earth was disobedience Gen. 3:1-13 and the second sin was possession, jealousy tied to murder Gen. 4:1-8 and the third was sexual Gen. 6:1-4; and these three have continually derail mankind. I also realized that in the mist of the chaos that was going on, there was one person who did not participate in it, because he saw the hand of God in everything and turned his attention to God Gen. 6:9, 13, 14 and God favored him. His name was Noah.

What We Can Do or what have done

There are many people perturbed by the violence, immorality, domination and power struggles, disobedience, and illegal possession of wealth and disrespect of the authority of the state and of the Almighty. We are concerned but we must not be discouraged and play the blame games, or point accusing fingers. We have better things to do than that. We have to start examining ourselves to make sure we are not, in our little ways, doing the same things we detest.
"Let us search and try our ways, and turn again to the Lord." Lam3: 40 and (2Cor 13: 5; and 1Cor 9: 27). 


We Must Answer These Questions When thinking about what we can do to help our children.

How do we reach out to our children?
How do we explain the things that are happening to them? 
How do we communicate our concerns to God? 
What can I do as a parent to help my Children?

Parents should start now:

1.     Your life must be the best teacher your child may need:  If you are the make-money-today- and-die-tomorrow parent, your children will borrow from you because they learn more from observation. If you are a liar, your child will be a liar whether you taught him moral or not. If you are a thief or you justify fraud, your child will end up being a fraudster. You as a parent must walk circumspectly (Eph5: 15) in every area of life. Be the living example of goodness for your children. Speak against evil and refuse to be gratified by ill-acquired gifts from them. Promote righteous course and teach them perseverance in godliness.
2.     Pray For your children: We should start to pray and never relent. We are accountable to our children by the way we live our lives.
3.     Teach them Godly principles: We must take it as our utmost priority duty to present to our children the real life and how it works, "You shall teach them to your children, speaking of them when you sit in your house, when you walk by the way, when you lie down, and when you rise up." (Deuteronomy 4:9)(NKJV). This is to encourage them to make right choices.
4.     Do not blame them, or the failing world for our failures: Crying our hopelessness, confusion and pain over them will destroy them. We must give them hope by letting them know that in the mist of the troubles, God will come and He always comes.
5.     Instill confidence and boldness in them: But first, we must lead them to voice their concerns, ask questions, get angry when necessary and resolve the cause of the anger and never allow it to build up in them.
6.     Scold but do not curse your children: We must not scold, blame, curse or force them to do what we think is good for them rather we must lead them to make the right choices. Again, as Christian parents, we have the tendencies to force them to accept Christ or live holy in the standard we dictate, not so because it would ruin them. Be open and be stable in your dealing with them and work yourself diligently to win your child's trust and you will win him/her.

I am particularly, concerned about the young generation and the legacy we are leaving for them. I believe that we can do better in our individual families. We must talk to them about the pros and cons of seeking evil powers (Satanism) and domination (ganging, witchcraft). We must instruct them on the virtues of patience/long suffering and lead them daily by example. If we do these and they still choose the evil way, we owe them nothing but prayer. This 2017, I pray that many young children may know the value of their worth, the potential they have and the brighter future that awaits them so that they may be patient, obedient and successful in life. In the name of Jesus, I pray. Amen!


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