How To Seek God With All The Heart Based On Psalm119:2, 9-16

How To Seek God With All The Heart

A young man after reading Psalm119: 2,
Blessed are they that keep his testimonies, and that seek him with the whole heart.”
He asks “How do you search for God with all your heart?” This was touching and after pondering over his question for four days, I owe him an answer. In other to give him a sound and biblically based answer, considering his age and the societal influence on the youths of today, I must be very careful to answer his question. The simple answer is to determine to seek God, love his word, do what the word of God directs and ask the Holy Spirit to teach and direct him. He should also lend himself to the service of God through his people.
Psalm119 itself asks almost the same question, and answers it this way,
“How can a young man cleanse his way? By taking heed according to your word.” Psalm119: 9(NKJV)
The psalmist makes the word of God the most important part of our relationship with God. The word of God is logos and rehma word. The “logos”, the word that God uses to create is Jesus. Read John1: 1, 2, and 14. So for a young man to seek God with his heart he must cleanse himself with the word of God. You have to accept Jesus Christ (the word of God) with all your heart and might. When you receive Jesus in your life then you must develop a relationship with him. This relationship is not complete until it is an intimate relationship. Then you will have to cleanse yourself or detox your mind from all the junk you have been fed through anti-Christ social relationships and interactions. Detox or purge yourself from Internet junks and contradicting teachings and social media infiltrations of Satanism. The only way you can do this is by eating and swallowing the rehma word of God. This is the active and spoken word of God as it is written in the Bible. Thank God you have already started the first and second solutions to seeking God.
1.     You have accepted Christ. This is very important. Befriend Him!
2.     You have started reading the Bible to enlighten your mind.

Now Psalm119: 9-16 teaches how to cleanse your mind and seek God

1. Determine in your heart/make commitment to seek God:

Verse 10 – “With my whole heart I have sought You; Oh, let me not wander from your commandments.”
Make commitment to seek God and,
A. Seek God with all your heart; desire to please God in all you do. Study His ways and know what to do to please him alone. You are not to please man for you to be praised, favored or recognized; rather you are to love man and God for God’s pleasure. It is for this reason you came to the world in the first place, to enjoy God’s creation and be part of His eternal plan!
B. Like the psalmist prayed, “Oh let me not wander from your commandments”, you must always pray to God to help you as you do His will. On your own you cannot live for God completely as required, but you must agree to His word and determine to do His word. Then you can pray to him to help you, and you will be able to please Him and live for Him as a happy child of God. Amen!
C. It is important to obey God’s call to seek Him. If you fail to seek the Lord with all your heart you will run into trouble. It means that sin will pursue you, overrun you and capture you then enslave you. What will you do when sin becomes your master? It will be deadly like what happened to Rehoboam of the old, one of the kings of Israel. The scripture says, “And he (Rehoboam) did evil, because he did not prepare his heart to seek the Lord.”  (2Chronicles12: 14). He was a king for seventeen years. He was also opportune to be a king over the Holy City, Jerusalem. That was not enough to make him reflect on the precepts of God; I guess he was carried away by his position, wealth and power that he forgot who put him in that position. You will wonder why God allowed him to rule for such a long time even though he was not disrespecting and disobeying God. I guess God always gives us ample time to get convicted of our sin, repent of it and turn to him for help. However Rehoboam did not regard God or set his heart to seek Him truly. This is the one of the many reasons one must prepare one’s heart and mind to seek the Lord. The consequences of not seeking God sincerely deadly; one of which it is separation from God.  

      2. Do away with sinful life:

Verse 11-  Your word I have hidden in my heart, that I might not sin against You.”
In a nutshell the psalmist is telling God that He has studied His word ((Logos), Torah, Genesis – Deuteronomy) and he has understood it and keeps the word protected/concealed in his heart. It means that he will not allow anyone to deceive him by anything that is not godly since he knows the word and hides it in his heart. What this means for you,
A. You must study the word of God, (Bible) and protect every word of it in your heart. Why should you? One will not be able to grow and live up to one’s Christian faith and be happy without knowing the word of God. The word of God will not just come to one by sporadic church attendants and youth fellowships. As important as these are, they are not enough to sustain one in faith. One must participate in the Bible study, yet it would not be enough. One must make commitment to read the Bible and study the word of God, until it becomes easy for one to recall and reference in one’s daily life. This must be a lifelong study and relationship with God; and yes, it is; no one can graduate from it.
B. The Psalmist says that the reason why he hides the word of God in his heart is so, he might not sin against God. Isn’t this true? Yes, the word of God exposes the things done in the darkness and opens our physical and spiritual eyes to see those things that constitute sin and righteousness and holy living. Knowing what sin is will help one to walk away from it and or avoid where it is. This means that when one seeks the Lord and commits to one’s determination to seek God, God will help the one to not continue to live in sin.

3. Depend on the Holy Spirit to teach you the ways of the Lord

Verse12 –“Blessed art thou, O LORD: teach me thy statutes.”
In this verse the psalmist shows the vulnerability of mankind before God. Even though he reads and hides the word of God in his heart (in this verse ‘Your Statutes’) he cannot fully understand it without the help of God. The same thing one experiences when one reads the Bible; no matter how many times and years one reads and studies the Bible one does not have full understanding of it without the intervention of God the Holy Ghost, the teacher, comforter and the transformer, etc. One must seek the infilling of the Holy Spirit and ask for His help when one seeks God. The psalmist asks for help and Jesus tells us to wait for the helper, the Holy Spirit, who will teach us everything that we need to know at the right time. One must pray for the Holy Spirit to incubate and envelope one and to teach one to understand the word of God and to lead one to fulfill all righteousness.
For Reading on the teacher: John16: 7, John14: 26, John15: 26; Luke12: 12

4. Speak to Others about your commitment to seek the Lord by ways of testimonies

Verse13 – With my lips I have declared all the judgments of Your mouth”
As you seek God, you hide his word in your heart and He teaches you via the Holy Spirit to understand His ways and commandment; the joy of this knowledge will not allow you to keep your mouth shut. The Holy Spirit will move you to testify to other people about your discoveries of God. You start evangelizing others, praying for others and sharing the Bible with them. In that way you grow deeper and closer to God. In so doing you protect your salvation and fulfill your calling. Amen! Share your experience, tell people about the consequences of their lifestyles and do so by the direction of the Holy Spirit through prayerfulness.

5. Commit to selfless service not for the material gain:

Verse14 – “I have rejoiced in the way of your testimonies, as much as in all riches.”
The psalmist is happy doing God’s work by speaking to other people about God. He counted it rich to do the work of God. The same thing as you seek God daily, you must be happy and rich in Jesus who promises us the riches of the Father. He will always make us rich in spirit and in material things. Jesus tells us to seek first the kingdom of God and his righteousness and every other thing shall be added unto us, Matt6: 33-34. Do not hang your mind in the things you will gain for serving and seeking God, rather be fulfilled that you know Him and He will bless you abundantly.

6. Respect the word of God and study it carefully with interest

Verse15 –I will meditate in your precepts, and contemplate your ways.”
When you seek the ways of the Lord through the reading of the scripture or listening to other people talking about God, you must have an attitude of respect for the word of God. The word of God is written by the inspiration of God so, it is not for anyone to like one part and hate the other part of the word. It is for us to read, understand and accept the inspired word of God. Again when we read the word of God we forget about it but when we take time to think about it, it starts making meaning to us. So we must not just read but we must read, write it out, read it aloud and let it be constantly called to memory. This is what the Psalmist meant when he said he would meditate on God’s precepts (guidelines, instructions, Christian sound doctrines.) We must be wise to get acquainted than to assume ignorant of the word of God.

7. Love God and Love the Word of God:

Verse 16 – “I will delight myself in thy statutes: I will not forget thy word.”
The Psalmist says he will delight in the ways of God and will not forget the word of God. When you seek the Lord, you must love God and love the things of God. Without this you will just waist your time learning about something that you may not utilize. You must love the word of God so that it will not just flies in through your right eye and flies out through your left ear without reaching your heart, the seat of excellence.


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