
Showing posts from August, 2019

Parents Are Responsible For The Fate of Their Children Most of The Times

YOUTHS CAUGHT IN THE LINE OF FIRE I woke up this morning and my whole heart is filled with the reality of what is happening all over the world. The increasing and abating violence, and the degree at which our youths are being destroyed in our streets is scary. In Genesis 6:5, "Then the Lord saw that the wickedness of man was great in the earth, and that every intent of the thoughts of his heart was only evil continually." One may ask, ·        Why, why does man think only of evil? ·        What does man gain from evil? ·        Why does man live in this wickedness? The first sin on earth was disobedience Gen. 3:1-13 and the second sin was possession, jealousy tied to murder Gen. 4:1-8 and the third was sexual Gen. 6:1-4; and these three have continually derail mankind. I also realized that in the mist of the chaos that was going on, there was one person who did not participate in it, because he saw the hand of God in everything and turned his attention to

Do Not Let Them Confuse You

Who You Are When you do not know what you have you go stupidly crazy looking for something outside including taking the guarded directions of those who do not know what you have. This may be frustrating to you although those who watch you may believe that you are untouchably gifted and good at it. You continue to act because it makes them happy and falsely embellishes what are not.  What happens the moment you look inside you and discover what has been there from conception, sorry to say, you get loose! No one can dissuade you and you do not really need any praise. You are just happily doing you and helping others to see clearly. It is not complicated, only you can free you from the dictates of many. Trusting God you will do right and be at peace. You are not looking for many to give you thumbs up or a high fives because they won't. They do not want you to be real after all, so, move on and trust God. Do you know what they said or what they are saying abo

How To Seek God With All The Heart Based On Psalm119:2, 9-16

How To Seek God With All The Heart A young man after reading Psalm119: 2, “ Blessed are they that keep his testimonies, and that seek him with the whole heart .” He asks “ How do you search for God with all your heart? ” This was touching and after pondering over his question for four days, I owe him an answer. In other to give him a sound and biblically based answer, considering his age and the societal influence on the youths of today, I must be very careful to answer his question. The simple answer is to determine to seek God, love his word, do what the word of God directs and ask the Holy Spirit to teach and direct him. He should also lend himself to the service of God through his people. Psalm119 itself asks almost the same question, and answers it this way, “How can a young man cleanse his way? By taking heed according to your word.” Psalm119: 9(NKJV) The psalmist makes the word of God the most important part of our relationship with God. The word of G