Listen Jesus Speaks

Dear Friend,
I heard this word concerning someone who wants to stop living up to the expectations of his master because of the complacence of this world. Please hear the master speaking out to you today, saying,

The Master of Arts Himself at Work

"Verily, verily, I say unto you, “The servant is not greater than his lord; neither he that is sent greater than he that sent him. If ye know these things, happy are ye if ye do them." (John13: 16-17)
1.    You Love the Lord; you love the word of God. You love to read and meditate on the word of God day and night. You always pray with the word of God and you studied to make yourself approved. Wow! Bravo my beloved. You have gained a secure place in the heart of Jesus and I wish I could do all these so that I could grow more.
2.     How much do you do the word and how well do you do them? This is actually what Jesus is expecting of you after you have read and studied the word, He expect you to do the word. Thank God that you are doing the word. You reach out to people teaching and explaining the word and sacrificing everything to spread the gospel. But recently you decided that enough is enough! You don't want to be misunderstood, you don't want to endure any more persecution; and you do not want to deprive yourself of any enjoyment of this world any longer, because to you life is 'too short!'. Who said so?
3.     Do you know your master? Who is the person who employed you to do the work you are doing and at what rate of wages or income are you working for him. What was your bargain before you started this job?
4.     How did your master become your employer? Do you know him well or you did not read the small print in the contract?
Now, please if Jesus is your employer listen to Him. He went through all the persecution, rejection, misunderstanding, spiritual warfare; they even lied against Him, paraded Him in the street naked and finally nailed Him on a wood. He died but He came back to life. The question is have you been nailed to any wood yet? If the answer is no; then come back to life, don't quit on your master! Or would you forfeit your pay for the stay-away kind of life? JESUS LOVES YOU AND OVERSEES EVERYTHING THAT CONCERNS YOU (Psalm138: 8).  HE WON'T LET YOU BE TEMPTED MORE THAN YOU CAN ENDURE! (1Cor 10: 13)


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