Do You Know or Know About God?

Hello Curiosity,
Those who know God are different from those who know about God. Those who know God have solid relationship with God while those who know about God do not know where they stand with God. If you know God you will do His will but if you know about God you will not know His wills and you will not do His wills (1John 2: 28-29 the difference is cleared in this passage)
Those who know God knows everything about Him because they live with Him, dine with Him, and know Him on a personal level. It is not the same with those who know about Him. It is like someone who would say, “Yes I know Mark Zuckerberg. No I don't know where he lives and I do not know where he was yesterday. Okay, I don't really know him that much, I only know that he is the owner of Facebook a social media." The truth is that this fellow claimed to know Mark Zuckerberg but it turned out to be that he only knows about him. You do not expect him to know much about him unless he develops a solid relationship with Mark. He could research him, follow the News media to know what Mark is doing daily and follow him about when he travels and come even closer to his house. This will help this fellow to develop a social not necessarily a personal relationship with him.
On a Sunday Morning, no traffic. Where are the car?
This is exactly what happens when someone says he knows God but cannot say exactly what God is like, cannot say what God can do in a particular circumstance or even predict God's love for Him. He cannot trust God but will do everything to work against God's purpose for his life, yet when you warn him he would swear that he knows God (Read this lesson from Roman 2: 17-24, it will explain this issue better). Not at all, he does not know God, he knows about God.

For one to know God one must develop the interest to know God by studying the word of God, attending church fellowship and services. The person must get involved in the things of the Lord. In doing so God will reveal Himself in a number of ways to him (John 13: 17 read this verse for more understanding of knowing and doing things) Some of us just trust our pastors so much more than we could trust God just because the pastor prayed for them, no, it is wrong, it should be the other way around.
Thanks for reading and taking action. Our days are numbered; those days are gone when we listen to preaching as if they are falling from hilltops. Today the Bible is available everyone and if you cannot afford any please let me know so we could find ways of sending you one. The bereans did not just receive the teaching; they researched it and believed.
“And the brethren immediately sent away Paul and Silas by night unto Berea: who coming thither went into the synagogue of the Jews. These were more noble than those in Thessalonica, in that they received the word with all readiness of mind, and searched the scriptures daily, whether those things were so.” (Acts 17: 10-11)
Knowing God will change your life and everything will turn around in your favor but 


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