
Showing posts from July, 2018

We Won't Get Tired of the Race Until we Win the Gold

The sprinter trains for the race we teach the same race. The sprinter practices very hard and we pray fervently to run well and finish well. The sprinter jumps the hurdles without dodging or knocking any down; We jump the hurdle, we don't avoid it, so we won't come back to start from the starting point. We are all running the best ways we can to reach the finishing line where the reward begins. We cannot finish the race before us in this world. It is very difficult to do it therefore we rely on the coach's (Jesus Christ's) instructions when he says to us, whatever you ask the father in my name you will receive, then we obey and pray with suplication and thanksgiving to the Lord Pray fervently without wavering James 5 Pray constantly 2 Thessalonians 1:11 Pray perseveringly Luke 18:1 we pray confessing our sins James 5:16 Pray when the hurdle is too high and too many (James5:13 Pray for one another 1 Thessalonians 5:25, 2 Thessalonians 1:11,  Pray for thos