
Showing posts from January, 2017


THE WORD OF GOD THAT WAS PREACHED TO ME AS A TEENAGER THAT IMPACTED ME Growing up, it was insinuating rather than instigating to hear over and over again from evangelists and preachers, "What will it profit a man if he gains the whole world and loses his own soul?" (Mark8: 36). This magically changes the way I conceive wealth, fame and struggle! It really affected me not the ways Jesus would want it to effect me especially when it is punctuated with the like, "For the wages of sin is death!" (Romans 6:23), very scary you know. Then, it makes me very skeptical and I want to scrutinize every step of my life to make sure I am not trading the part of evil because I do not want to gain the world and lose my soul and I do not want to die; that would be a waste to my parents, friends and my village. Even though I was not a Christian then and I opposed those who ventured to preach to me, their words injected, got hold of me. I wonder how these verses work today espec