Would you Wish Your 2016, Your 2017?

Merry Christmas
Christmas celebration has just ended although in some peoples’ houses and hearts, the celebration lives on, until they usher in the New Year. Yeah, I feel that way although I do have intermittent "Are you really ready to transition?" conflict moments. Indeed, am I really ready for 2017?
We are happy that we survived the confusion and commotions of this year’s abrasive politics, religious intolerance, wars and "refugeeism", and the ravaging worldwide organized "Isism" with nomadic suicide bombing, ‘lone-range’ mass shooting and natural disasters, mud-sliding, avalanche, earthquake, rain and flood storms as well as plunging plane crashes.
All these, we have yet to mention the deadliest of them all, car crashes, sporadic life-taken economic hardships, homicide, traffic violations, police shootings and uncomfortable neighborhood policing, ganging and selective jailing. How many more unnecessary breeches of lives should I mention?
May be I should give a little salute to breeches of love, heart breakers, gilts, cheaters, love triangles, abuses in relationship, unhealthy cohabitation, legal separations and divorces, insurance frauds, and deadly diseases that trouble the fragile heart to break. Sighs, overwhelming! The main cause for teenage unquenchable thirst for ganging and moral depravity, sad!
The good news is that we are still here to write, tell and read and hear these stories. For this my heart rejoices and wants to take the joy of Christmas further. The joy, yes the joy I had shopping, not shopping, because shopping is not joyful, I had to spend my hard-earned income shopping for a pair of shoes for one of the boys, we had to safe to buy everyone something from January to December. Yeah that is the wisdom otherwise it would have been a cranky Christmas celebration. Shopping is not joyful because I had to first window shop (to cut embarrassing costs), then I had to contend with the spirit of the last-minute-shoppers on December 24Th, a day before Christmas; it was not funny! Enough of the winning after all I survived it! I had good time cooking for the entire family, just for the family because inviting friends would cost a fortune coupled with the reality that our family friends, all went out of the state for Christmas-vacation (“Chrismavac” for short).

Cleaning and decorating the house was hard because I hate to do the chore. My husband usually would do it but this year he told me to do it. I cleaned and decorated the house and I will tell you that I enjoyed it and I am proud of myself. As I am writing I glanced through the living room and see that it is good to live like this and I vow to carry it over to 2017. I was happy to be with my family as the children came to celebrate with use and I am glad to tell you that they did not come empty handed, God bless them. The greatest joy of the celebration I had is watching and listening to them ate with great appetite and wisdom. Now they left and I am motivated to keep this tradition.
We also attended church service, it was brief but spirit filled for me because I sang, danced and worshipped my God with heart of appreciation because of the wonderful things he has done for me. Did I tell you that my church is a group of solemn worshippers so any form of dancing was off the rhythm but I did not realize it? I just danced to the glory of God and thumb up for Christine, who lead the worship.
This Christmas celebration was actually a positive break from the run around of live that has characterized an average American. No time for rest whether you go to routine business, student, civil servant, medical professional, or sit- at- home person, life is a hassle. This period just helped to cool off. The perplexing question is how would I approach 2017?
In the past I have written some New Year resolutions that were too vague for me to accomplish. Probable I wrote them emotionally based on the condition I was in at that time and later when those conditions wear away I forgot my resolution which comes to jeer at my later on down the lane. I had also made some new year resolutions in the past based on what the preacher said, I was sure that he spoke truth and conviction to my situation but thinking about it now, I was not ready yet for such a resolution and that resolution that year messed me up pretty good. I have to consider my abilities and inabilities; I have learnt to pause before I speak! This actually wants me to talk about making New Year Resolutions.


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