Is New Year Resolution Necessary, How Many Times Have we Messed up our New Year Resolutions?👋

Bright Hope Ahead

New Year resolution is as old as the year itself, yet many of us never understood it more than making a mental or written list of the things that we would want to accomplish or do away with, come the New year. I made many resolutions that I hardly remembered after the first week of the New Year; I never practiced them. Should I say that I am older; I have started making a more accomplishable New Year resolution or have I entirely stopped making New Year resolutions? Far from it, age has nothing to do with it and I have not stopped making New Year resolutions, I cannot say that I am completely accomplishing all I resolved to do. If I were wise or have attained that wisdom, I would have accomplished everything that I wrote down last year. In fact I did not even touch anything that I wrote down, rather I found myself pursuing different mirages that were not catchable! Based on this, nonchalant attitude, costly negligence or total expensive ignoramus, I decided to explore New Year resolution and share with you.

What is a New Year Resolution☺☺🎊

A resolution is a resolve; something that you undebatably and inexcusably, determined to accomplish, no matter the circumstances. It means that you have weighed the advantages and disadvantages, the positive outcomes, the negative outcomes and the resistance that you are able to channel to it and have resolved the outcome as an opportunity to advance to your utmost goal in life or that the harm which you are already experiences would produce a more negative outcome that may hamper your advancement, in the pursuit of your rise. The Thesaurus gives the synonyms of resolution as, determination, steadfastness, tenacity, firmness, Perseverance, doggedness, and purpose. All the afore mentions sounds to me like the quality of a New Year resolution or it loses its purpose as a promise and or solution to a problem one foresaw.  Taking this to heart, you will agree with me that understanding the meaning and the knowing and applying the ingredients of a successful New Year resolution would help us to achieve the purpose rather than do nothing.
Therefore to make a valuable and successful New Year Resolution you must

  • Be determined to carry it out.
  • Steadfastly pursue the course and remove other courses that you do not consider valuable. Steadfastness means that you are consistent and unwavering in your new course/undertaking.
  • Adopt tenacity as your strength watchword; it is the winner’s attitude to carry on in the mist of challenges, because challenges do surface. “Know what you want and work it!
  • Persevere come what may; you must not give up.
  • Remind yourself the purpose of your decision, and pursue it diligently.

New Year Resolution needs planning💁👊

Planning is marking/mapping out step-by-step actions to get a job/project done in order to achieve a set objectives/goals. Planning starts the moment you conceive and idea or problem. There are things to be considered here,

·Analyze the problem to find out how bad/good it is
This will help you to see more broadly and you will be able to specify it objectively. For example, I will stop drinking and getting drunk next Year, starting from the New Year day. Ask yourself why you want to stop drinking. Reflection, how has drinking blessed me for as long as I have been drinking? What is bad about my drinking? My friends who drink, how are their lives coming? What impact is drinking making in my job, education, relationship and my finances? This is to help you to establish the gravity of your problem and to see the expected benefit of continue drinking/quitting. If your answers to the above reflective questions are more negative (harmful), then you have a more urgent reason to quit drinking and getting drunk. The above reflections do not include the physiological as well as psychological impacts of alcohol drinking that undoubtedly inherent but only considered secondary. It should have been primary!
Design Your strategy for quitting
This involves outlining the ways in which you would act towards achieving your goals. For example: I will stop hanging out with my drinking buddies. I will take up class to keep me busy, I will drink more water. I will start attending church services and participate in serving others. I may go to the rehab, if I am not able to quit on my own, but I will try first. On the New Year day I will hang out with my children/siblings/pastor/mentor. I will read more articles on alcoholism and how to quit. I will document my progress.
Implement Your resolve immediately
Start implementing it as you said on the New Year day. Do not debate it with your friend and do not try to explain yourself to them so no one would discourage you or influence you to gratify in another addictive behavior. Just determine to do quit and carry it on.
Check your progress timely
It is important to know before hand that you disappoint yourself by succumbing and overpowered by your desire. It is normal, however constant checks and determination would bring you back to the design/track. Examine what led to your fall and avoid it next time. This is called maintenance and evaluation. It is not only applied to drinking; it works in every resolution even when you determine to pursue an additional career or improve what you have. Just analyze, design, implement and evaluate yourself and the circle continues with the determination to achieve the desired goal.

Never quit your good resolution. Please do not quit making New Year resolution; it is better than not making at all. Making resolution keeps you on the right track while not making any, at all, will make you an inactive underachiever and miserable, a never aspirer. It I my believe that come next year I will achieve my New Year set goals because I am more careful this time to make my resolution. Since, I do not want to overwhelm myself with a long list of them I have made only four point resolution. Wisdom, I think is application of knowledge.



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