How wrong you are about your use of the Book of Psalms!

In the previous posts, we talked about the usefulness of the book of Psalms. In this post we will use real life experiences of some people who talked to me about their experiences in the use of the Book of Psalms to discourage certain unchristian and ill doctrine of some pastors and 'churches'.

 Do not use the words of the Psalms to conjure strange spirits, practice sorcery, witchcraft and occultism.
Be careful, you may be led to such practices by trusting and following a particular leader, prophet, or pastor without fully understanding what you are doing. When someone you respect as a man of God tells you to do something that is not biblical, please do not do it. This is what the Bible says about it,
"If there arises among you a prophet or a dreamer of dreams and he gives you a sign or a wonder, and the sign or the wonder comes to pass (it comes true), of which he spoke to you, saying, 'Let us go after other gods' - which you have not known- 'and let us serve them', you shall not listen to the words of that prophet or the dreamer of dreams for the Lord your God is testing you to know whether you love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul." (Deuteronomy13:1-3)

  • He proclaimed that something will happen
  • He gives you a sign that would help you to know that his prophesy is authentic
  • The sign actually comes true
Wow! This is a living proof that the pastor/minister/prophet is

  • A real man/woman of God
  • Close to God
  • In the spirit
  • A visionary
  • A seer
  • You can call him whatever he means to you at that time and you are right
Do not believe him when in another occasion he/she tells you to do something strange. Trust me, you will know when someone is telling you to do something that is not godly or biblical. The first thing that comes to mind is doubt. Once you have doubt, do not do that thing, seek help from God. Read the Bible, read the verse above or tell it to another minister who can help you.

In this verse you know that God expects believers to know him well, to discern when a prophets goes overboard to lead us away from God. Knowing what God says will help us to resist such a prophecy. One of the ways some ministers lead people away from praying the right way is through the wrong use of the Book of Psalm.

Personally, I encountered a minister of falsehood. He was invited to minister in our church from another country. He ministered to us with power and prayer. I was touched by his strength and power of prayer. He was never tired of ministering to us through prayer. He strengthened my prayer life. At the end of the session he encouraged worshippers to see him for personal ministration. You would imagine that many would want to see him for their personal problems. He stayed four days ministering to individuals and I could not have the opportunity to really tell him all my problems so I took his number.
I did not call him right away to talk about my problems but when I started having problems with an individual where I lived; I called him. The advise he gave me was absurd. He told me that I needed to fast and pray, (that was right). He gave me seven different verses of the book of Psalms to use during the prayer (that was right). Finally, he told me to get a gallon of water and read a particular chapter of the Psalms over the water seven times. Then I should make sure that I secretly give this individual water from that gallon to drink any time he wanted water. I told him that I cannot do it because that individual gets his water by himself. He asked me who cooks for him and I told him that I was and he asked me to use the water specifically to cook for this individual. I squinted, it is unchristian for me to do so but I did not tell him that. It sounded like what we hear in stories where one goes to the witch doctor who prescribes love charm which finally kills the lover. I did not do what he prescribed and that was the last contact I had with him. I called him for help instead of calling upon my God. The same thing happens to everyone who does not trust himself/herself in God.
If I had done what he told me to do, I will be sure to have practiced paganism/ritualism against my faith. This act would have taken me away from the true worship of the living God.

 A friend told me that her pastor told her to read the Psalms over a bucket of water then at midnight to go to a T-junction and take a bath with the water. This is a wrong use of the book of Psalms.
Another friend told me that her pastor asked her to buy seven red candles to lit them in her room at midnight, strip herself bare, sit before the red candle light and read the selected psalms over the red light. This is a wrong use of the book. It is not Christian attitude. Do not do any of these because you will be calling upon yourself evil spirits that would disturb your life.

Do not use the words of the Psalms literally to pray for the death or mishap of a particular person. Even do not imagine it in your heart when you are reading it. If you have an issue with a person please, make haste to go and reconcile with that person before you start praying or as soon as you realize that there is a strain in your relationship. Go and make peace after that conviction. Do not use the psalm to pray against that person. God does not want it. The fight is not canal but a spiritual warfare. You are praying God to fight against such forces that cause problems in your life not the individual they are using to cause your problems.


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