Do not Destroy Your Future in one Ugly Experience.

 The beauty of a tree is ever visible in the compound of a conscientious rich person. Although not all rich persons value the life of a tree because some would uproot the tree in quest for power expansion However, a wise and a caring rich person would give space for beauty hence he employs the crafting hands of the landscaper, the florist and the flower tender to beautify his compound that enshrines his palace within the trees thereby respecting, giving life and bringing out the beauty of it. The shrub on its own is a hell of nuisance, growing and spreading branches everywhere even blocking the palace from view and making passage uncomfortable for the king and his entourage.

Nevertheless the king loves the shrub as added beauty, that is why he spares a little, for the shrub best by getting a flower tender. The tender with his pruning share, cuts of wild spreading branches, and shapes the shrub how he would for beauty. He sits back to observe it and once he is satisfied with his work he moves on to the next. So he would work on all the shrubs, now seen as ornamental flowers until the entire compound is ignited with beauty. He returns every week or two, to prune the trees to keep them satisfying the eyes and minds of the beholders.While he works on the trees, he does not know that the trees cry each time a branch is cut off.

Nevertheless I know that the tree feels pain and cries because I could see the tears dropping. Poor tree, patiently waits and goes through the painful ordeal, feels it overtime and gets over it and starts shooting out new branches and the pruning and shaping continues. However the tree is happy because after pruning, it looks very trimmed and beautiful. It does not need to eat too much to survive. If it happens to bear fruit, the fruit is often more quality than when it was in the wild! That is its comfort, the praises and thanks it receives from you as you pass by.

I consider myself a tree, really a wild one. I desire to be free from morality, legality, and any binding responsibility. If I have my way, I don't want to work, I don't want to marry, I don't want to do anything for anyone but me. In deed, I thank God who has completed me by letting me know that He is behind my every step in life. Even then, I still have my worries. Then I realized that whatever experience I passed through in my life is an opportunity to make me a better person. Although painful and traumatic experiences, all worked for good for me. You know, I am no longer wild because right now, I bear edible fruits. Thank you God who prunes me.
Do not destroy your future in one ugly experience. Everyone needs pruning. Only a real fool does not like to be pruned yet he could be entirely cut off then to loose a branch. Not for you, you will endure pruning to live better and longer. God prunes!


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