
Showing posts from May, 2016


I COULD NOT HELP BUT PRAISE GOD LAST SUNDAY AS I SAW MEN IN OUR CHURCH WORSHIPPING GOD IN THIS MANNER The Hands of Worship  Worshipping God is an excellent character, it is where you forget all your worries and pour out your gratitude towards God for all the reasons you could remember and most importantly, for who He is. Good, Good, God! If praising God is all that it takes to unity Christians, let's do it. Praise God. Loving God this way helps us to relinquish pride knowing fully well that, without God we are nothing.

Are You a Builder or a Destroyer?

God created all things and asks us to procreate. Those who build have amazing pain taking characteristics encapsulated in one word, patience. It takes them time to come up with an idea, they patiently work through this idea, planning, designing and redesigning, analyzing it, costing it before executing it. The implementation may take years but one day they unveil the building and monitor it. It is good to behold with our eyes, welcoming to explore and valuable to ensure. Their joy is not the money they get from such endeavor, their real joy is the usefulness of such and the value of such to the end users. Yes, that is the essence of creation. Have you ever imagined what it took God to build the universe- the earth, the waters, and the sky? How much did he spend, who has ever monetarily evaluated God's creation? There is much to this than we imagine. Our God is wonderful. He loves and values us. On the contrary, we seem not to value one another how could we value other creature

If you Love God You Will Love Other People

"Owe no one anything except to love one another, for he who loves another has fulfilled the law." Romans13:8,  Today is Sunday and every Christian will go to church to partake in the worship of the One True God Almighty. After service everyone will go to his/her respective homes and works and live out one's Christian life. One thing that identifies and separates a real Christian and makes him/her to be singled out from a group is his/her show of love. Today if you are a Christian but you have an iota of hate for other people, you must pause and reflect your justification for the hate (Matt5:44. 2Sam19:6). If you are a child of God, you must inherit the good part of your father. Every part of God is good but he calls himself Love. He loves everyone, he never hates. He hates evil and speaks to the hearts of those who practice wickedness to repent. He is a God of many chances and lavishes his love on us. If you identify with him then you are obligated to love lik

Do Your Part and Leave the Rest for God

I'm doing my part Relationship is all our problem and relationship is all that we need. The problem is that, we do not understand what relationship entails. We may not understand what we are saying or doing when we assume to be in a relationship. If we understand the yes and no of relationship, this world would be a safe place. When you expect everyone to be good to you before you start enjoying the relationship you are in, I am sorry because you will remain joyless. this is not a curse it is a reality, from experience. You must take a positive approach to keep your relationship on the sunny side so that you may enjoy your life.  I always would say, do your own part and commit the rest to God, and you will be shouting Hallelujah!!  For one to be able to stay in a good and profitable relationship with one's brother, mother, father, friends and spouse, one must first have a perfect relationship with God. If you do not have a warm relationship with God how would your relati