This picture shows a woman during her morning devotion. She holds up the Bible after reading it, proclaiming and showing her trust and believe in the Word of God. She does this everyday before doing any other thing.

What is the Purpose of the Book of Psalms?
Since psalms mean songs, the main purpose of the psalms is for singing. From the content of each psalm we know the kind of song it is. From the beginning of the Psalms 1 to the end of Psalms 150, prominent is God, His eminence, might, His creative power, His provision, guidance, counsel, and Love. His abhorrence of sin and evil, His loving kindness and forgiveness, well spelt out. The call for men to worship God, the only true God as well as the denouncing and condemnation of Idol worships made it clear that the book of Psalm is dedicated to the worship of God.   
The Usage
There are two main usages,
1.     For Corporate worship
2.     For individual/personal devotion to God
The use of Psalms in the public or communal worship became popular during the reign of King David who wrote over 73 of the psalms. He and his contemporary musicians put these psalms into musical rhythms with instruments to the worship of God. Prior to this time, Moses also sang psalms in the public worship of God. This became the custom of the Hebrews and generations after generations the inspired men and women wrote songs in form of poetry for the honor, worship and praise of the one true God. Some of the writers wrote psalms to worship God on their personal level and growing intimacy with God.
Apart from the above, the Book of Psalms has become very valuable to the believers of today because the book is true to everyone’s life and emotional encounters. Reading through the psalms makes you understand that man is not God. Man is frail and helpless with out God. The trueness of the heart and expressions of the writers gives the reader comfort, hope and increase trust in the Lord. The book of Psalms cut across the highest level of morality or holiness that a Christian is required to attain through the weakest level of moral decadence of man. The realization that man can fail, repent, forgiven and become righteous again makes the book a place of solace and comfort. This is the main reason many read the Book of Psalms, even the unbelievers. Therefore it becomes useful as a prayer and worship book.
In our case as the new generations of believers, this book is more than a worship book.
It educates the reader about God.
Through the reading of the psalms I learnt more and believe that God is
·      The great provider
·      God loves the entire world not just one segment of the world
·      God is good
·      God is sovereign
·      God is amazing and Mighty
It opens my eyes to
·      Imagine the supernatural creations of God, the earth, and the earth in the oceans.
·      The futile end of those who worship idols
·      The blessedness of obedience and reverence of God
·      The curses that fall on the wicked and those deceived by them
Although other books and laws teach all these but they do so in commands and intimidation but the Psalms teaches the same laws, commands and the consequences of not doing the right things by appealing to the emotion, heart and mind of the one reading it.
Finally the emotional cries, outbursts and pleas of the psalms move you automatically into real emotional expressions of your own feelings. At the end of it you see yourself repenting, confessing your sins, singing, dancing, clapping, praising and worshipping God. This in effect increases your faith and makes you to love God more and trust Him.

The Psalms and Prayer
The psalms help us to pray. If you find it difficult to pray you can start your prayer by reading a psalm and meditating on it. As you do so focusing on the goodness and mercy of God, you will pray more and with specification.  Do not just read the psalms and close the book believing you have prayed. The purpose is to lead you into spiritual connection with God.

How Not to Use the Psalm


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