Would You Rather Hire Someone to Read the Bible and Pray for You?

 I have developed the idea of checking my faith and spiritual wellbeing by asking myself some questions that would help me to know when I am strong or weak in my relationship with God. First I would ask myself what makes me a Christian. Am I a Christian?
A Christian is someone who believes in one God through Jesus Christ. He/she is a person whose life is transformed to live the life of Jesus Christ. A Christian is one who has accepted Jesus Christ as Lord and savior and lives everyday by the precepts and statutes of the Lord. He is someone who depends on God knowing that with God it is well with him. His life is constantly growing spiritually, renewing his mind and living on the word of God. Are you a Christian? If yes, I am glad because I am your sister.
However, do you take care of your spiritual health? 
If your answers to these questions below is yes, then you are healthy but if there is any no to one of these questions then you need to do some spiritual check ups. You need to visit the Doctor. Here they are:
I love to read the Bible and Godly inspired books

  • Do you read your Bible everyday?
  • Do you study the Word of God at least once a week?
  • Do you pray to God everyday?
  • Do you make time to fellowship with other believers?
  • Hope you have a church were you participate as a believer? 

I thank God for you if you are doing the above because those are your prerequisites for living a healthy Christian life. However I want to know how healthy you are, doing all these. Please answer no to the proceeding questions, in any case you answered yes then you need to go for spiritual check up, I mean you need to see the Doctor. The truth is that, if you don't, it will be too late to call 911. Here they are,

  • Do you read the Bible only when you are in the church on Sundays or in the Bible study meetings?
  • Do you always ask people to pray for you and you never pray for yourself?
  • Do you think that God cannot or does not answer your prayers?
  • Have you ever, I mean ever paid someone to pray for you?
  • Have you ever paid someone to fast and pray for you?
  • Do you hang your rosary on you car but you never pray?
  • Do you put your Bible under your pillow to protect you instead of reading it?
I pray to God for you to examine your relationship with God if your answer is yes to any of those questions. I have the full understanding that God wants us to have intimacy with Him on a daily bases. Our lives are in chaos and opposition to our spiritual health if we live our relationship with God in the periphery of belonging but not really belonging to Him. I understand that life itself is not friendly because we have to be up and doing for our daily bread to come. We have family and must pay our primary duty of taking care of them yet Jesus Christ Himself saw and experienced all these struggles when He commanded us not to worry about these (Matthew 6:25-34). You may stop reading this post momentarily, take your Bible, open and read those verses. Pay attention to verse 25, 28, 31 and 34, do not worry, and verse 33, seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness. 
The message is for you to slow down, take a deep breath and know that it pays more to ascribe your time to God so that he will add every needs of your to your fulfillment (Matt 6:33). 
God does not want a bribe from us before He answers our prayers so it amounts to unbelief and idolatry when we think that we have to pay God money before He answers our prayers. He is our Father and He wants us to call upon Him at all times. He loves us as He loves our spiritual mentors. A godly pastor will not charge you money to pray for you or rather to pray with you. It is a challenge before him to pray for those who are weak around him. Therefore any 'man or woman of God' who solicits any form of payment before he/she prays for you is not doing the right thing. If you fall for such solicitation you too are not doing the right thing. Both of you are sick and you need to go to the doctor. (The doctor is Jesus)
I will encourage you to get this book, The Indubitable Battle, @ https://amazon.com/author/dmasterkey4christians it is a powerful book on prayer. 


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