Read the Introduction of the Book

Read The Introduction of the Book

Most of the times when we open a book we start reading the chapters without reading the preface and even the introduction. It is a bad attitude because it does not give us the prior knowledge of what to expect in the inside of the entire book. It is very important to read a book from the first page to the end of the pages. The Bible itself has introduction that teaches us how to use the books to benefit us and if we do not read such interesting and beneficial introductions how would we make full and successful use of the book as a whole? Yeah, we depend on the teachers to read up such areas and teach us as though from heaven. Again, each of the sixty-six books of the Bible has introduction.  Some of the introductions are elaborate while some are simple depending on the purpose and audience of the edition.  A compact easy to carry bible may not have all the introductions but a study Bible has elaborate and intrinsic introduction that explains the format and how to use it.  It is good to know that this introduction is not part of the original Bible rather the editors, compilers and publishers add such aids to help us to understand their edition. Sure there are varieties of Bibles and editions; that should not confuse us because the original word cannot be changed or adulterated and anyone who does that will face the Supreme Judge Himself on the last day.
The introduction is vital because it also tells us
·       The summary of the book i.e. what to expect in few sentences.
·       The Historical background of the Book
·       The author of the book and the argument for the authorship
·       The structure of the book, this tells the pattern, the placement and the value attached to it.
·       The theme of the book
·       The theology of the book, and
·       The Christ in the book
The New King James version of the Bible has even more Intros to each book.
In the case of the Book of Psalms, you need to understand before you dive into the chapters that the psalms are raw human expressions of their intimate emotions. It is uncensored expression of pain, anger, despair, guilt, confessions and desperate cry for help, justice and exoneration to God who is to be praised and worshipped for ever and ever. It is somehow very graphic and not suiting in our generation to hear or do some of the things the writers of the psalms say however a closer look and the understanding of human feelings would help us to put ourselves in their shoes to imagine what step we would have taken. You will often hear the psalmist crying to God and asking him to destroy his enemies and the wicked, why? It is because he was in pain and he hates evil. Nevertheless Jesus has taught us to forgive such evil people and pray for them. The psalmist after crying would always come back to the love of God, praise to God and the call to worship Him only!
Who wrote the Psalms?
According to The New King James Version, page 817,
1.     King David wrote majority of the Psalms. When you start reading the chapters pay attention at the beginning to note the writer of the chapter you are reading.
2.     Ethan, Heman and Asaph were King David’s contemporaries who were in charge of worship. The wrote psalms too
3.     Solomon son of David wrote psalms
4.     Moses and sons of Korah were among the writers of the palms
5.     Deborah and Hannah wrote psalms, these are women. Mariam sang the psalm of Moses, her brother
The psalms were written and used for worship as the Israelites pass through their journey. Later in the days of Ezra, the first compilation of the book of the Psalms was made.

What is the Psalms?
The word Psalms is the adopted name for the Book of Psalms. It is a derivative name from the Greek word ‘Psalmoi’. Psalmoi means songs. It is also known as Psalter. It can be called The Hebrew Prayer and Praise Book.  The Book of Psalms is listed among the Writings of the Old Testament Books.

What is the Purpose of the psalms?
(Come back for the update)


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