There is no way I am going to understand the fear of the Lord unless I am wise. Sometimes it is confusing to say I am wise when what I do or say get me in trouble. Even when I do not get in trouble some people close to me suffer because of my one single act of ‘wisdom/judgment’ Sometimes I wonder why and how I do somethings even when people praise me yet I cannot explain how I came about it. I guess I am wise and foolish at the same time. Yet I want the foolish aspect of my life to burn off, like the dross covering silver is heated off but I do not know how. Well I read this today, ‘If You Lack Wisdom, ask God to Give You wisdom’ ( Pro 2:3,4; James1:5, ). This got me really shaking; and wondering about my abilities, am I wise or foolish? The question is,
How can you tell that you are foolish? 
Where does the smoke come?

Once I am able to answer the above question, I will then seek the right help.
If you are not wise, then you are foolish. This is simple and understandable. No one wants to identify with foolishness; everyone wants to identify with wisdom. The reason we shy away from identifying with foolishness even when we are truly aware that we are foolish is because of the negative connotation attached to it. We know that a fool is a fool because he does not have understanding, he does not have discretion and he knows nothing. He either under react, over react or do not react at all. This is the indication that he is not wise. The fact that we do not want anyone to call or note us as fool makes us hide under the umbrella of wisdom though we lack it. This is the major reason the entire world is in confusion according to the Psalmist, "Why do the heathen rage, and the people imagine a vain thing? The kings of the earth set themselves, and the rulers take counsel together, against the Lord, and against his anointed, saying, Let us break their bands asunder, and cast away their cords from us. Be wise now therefore, O ye kings, be instructed, ye judges of the earth. Serve the Lord with fear, and rejoice with trembling."
Psalms 2:1-3, 10, 11
The kings, rulers, heads of states, presidents excelled themselves in wisdom. When their works are not in line with the fear of the Lord, God calls them back, warns them to learn wisdom. They come back to learn from God. How could a wise king, condescends to learning instructions and to be wise? It is insulting to the earthly wise king because you are invariably calling him a fool! However, this is true; a wise person does not reject God or go negative to the things of the Lord. Rather he fears the Lord and reverences Him.
Where does the smoke go

At one time or the other in our lives, we have acted foolishly by taking our lives into our hands to reject God, His love, and instructions. We take the easy ways and the conventional pattern that had so negatively affected our relationship with God and with one another. There is a saying, “Every way of a man is right in his own eyes:” Prov21:2  The child does not want to get instructed by the parents and the school teacher is limited to teach circular, not to instruct morality. The child thinks that he/she knows better than the parents do; because he/she could log in to the internet at bewilder of and praise by the parents. Right then, they have become wise, the society applauds and he/she becomes a spotlight and role model for other children. She is not wise, remember, and when our children follow suit; what would happen to them? Therefore, talent is not wisdom. Education is not wisdom. Creativity is not wisdom. Spiritual gifts are not wisdom. These however become wisdom and blessings when rooted in the fear of the Lord.
Yes, the fear of the Lord is the real wisdom. Are you as foolish as I am? Are you wise in your own conceited heart? Do you need wisdom? Wait, I will let you see for yourself what you are missing when you insist that you are wise while the breakdown of your download shows that you do not know or understand what you are doing. Now I understand that for me to operate in wisdom, I must fear God. How I fear God but what does it really mean- to fear the Lord?

What is the fear of the Lord?


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