Understanding Wisdom

Pray, Study, Prepare, Post, Pray again!
Continuing from yesterday’s discussion on wisdom and foolishness, it is clear that wisdom that we think we know and operate in is the shadow of real wisdom. I say this because while dictionary tend to define wisdom as the quality of being wise; power of judging rightly and following the soundest course of action based on knowledge, experience, understanding etc.; the Bible says that the fear of God is the beginning of wisdom. Therefore, what is the difference in the dictionary meaning of wisdom and the Biblical explanation of wisdom, not visibly much but qualitatively and spiritually a lot.
We struggle every day to work and walk wisely. No one wants to work or walk foolishly yet sometimes the observer would note some foolish decisions and discussions we did.  Have you ever said something and after wards, it lingered in your heart and mind, thinking that you would have said it better or differently were you to encounter such situation again? What about when you make important life decision and no sooner you just signed up for it than you regret it? We regret such occasions yet we shove it off and forge on; after all we are in the world and such is the world; right? What would you say or feel in the situation where you planned your speech wisely and to the best of your knowledge and understanding, you delivered the speech to an audience, which is not enthusiastic or touched in any observable way? Would you curse them out as a bunch of ungrateful idiots or would you beat up yourself by thinking that you have made a fool of yourself? You see, these are some of the situations showing us that we do not understand wisdom and we operate in worldly wisdom. We realize and acclaim wisdom through the eyes of the society. Hence, the society judges us helping us to know we are wise or foolish. This kind of judgment and stigmatization makes life difficult for some of us. When you base every action of yours on the whims and whams of the society, you would lose or reduce your life span. You would stunt your growth and productivity materially and spiritually.
Am I saying that wisdom is the quality of being wise? Yes. Is wisdom is the ability to judge rightly? Yes. Is wisdom the ability to follow the soundest course of action? Yes. Is wisdom the active product of understanding, knowledge, experience and discretion? Yes. What I am not saying is that we can achieve real wisdom without God. Without God we are both foolish and wise, a dangerous situation. The fear of God will help us, to attain unshakable wisdom.
From the discussion so far, we hear that there are two types of wisdom, the understanding of these two types of wisdom will lead us to understand why the fear of God is the beginning of wisdom.
We continue tomorrow WITH PERSONAL EXPERIENCE ON WISDOM. Please do give me feedback, like and share.


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