
Showing posts from 2016


Is New Year Resolution Necessary, How Many Times Have we Messed up our New Year Resolutions?👋 Bright Hope Ahead New Year resolution is as old as the year itself, yet many of us never understood it more than making a mental or written list of the things that we would want to accomplish or do away with, come the New year. I made many resolutions that I hardly remembered after the first week of the New Year; I never practiced them. Should I say that I am older; I have started making a more accomplishable New Year resolution or have I entirely stopped making New Year resolutions? Far from it, age has nothing to do with it and I have not stopped making New Year resolutions, I cannot say that I am completely accomplishing all I resolved to do. If I were wise or have attained that wisdom, I would have accomplished everything that I wrote down last year. In fact I did not even touch anything that I wrote down, rather I found myself pursuing different mirages that were not catchable!

Would you Wish Your 2016, Your 2017?

Merry Christmas Christmas celebration has just ended although in some peoples’ houses and hearts, the celebration lives on, until they usher in the New Year. Yeah, I feel that way although I do have intermittent "Are you really ready to transition?" conflict moments. Indeed, am I really ready for 2017? We are happy that we survived the confusion and commotions of this year’s abrasive politics, religious intolerance, wars and "refugeeism", and the ravaging worldwide organized "Isism" with nomadic suicide bombing, ‘lone-range’ mass shooting and natural disasters, mud-sliding, avalanche, earthquake, rain and flood storms as well as plunging plane crashes. All these, we have yet to mention the deadliest of them all, car crashes, sporadic life-taken economic hardships, homicide, traffic violations, police shootings and uncomfortable neighborhood policing, ganging and selective jailing. How many more unnecessary breeches of lives should I mention? May


    DOES SOMEONE DRIVE YOU CRAZY WITH TIME? TIME CAN DISTRACT YOU, SET IT RIGHT!  You have heard it, "Time is running out, Time waits for no one and Your biological clock is ticking." How does it make you feel? Do you feel discouraged or feel like running and jumping at the same time to meet up with time? For real, is there anything like time running out? I do not think so, time does not run, people do!      Time is a mathematical period set by human to be able to evaluate their achievement, conquests, development and the dynamism of life but it does not necessarily run or move although events makes it look like it runs. I have been long to know that time does not run, we run or do not run our lives. Look at the clock above, it is a set time, it does not move unless I put battery or change it manually.      When you think that you have used your previous opportunities wastefully, go to your clock and set it back and seek new opportunities and run on, when you look
It is not more than you are seeing. It is amazing the ways the book of Proverbs addresses real life issues we deal with in everyday life. Consider these quotes, "He who mistreats his Father and c hases away his mother is a son who causes shame and brings reproach."  (Proverbs19:26) "The discretion of a man makes him slow to anger and his glory is to overlook a transgression   (Proverbs19:11)                                                                                                                                          "Better is the poor who walks in his integrity than one who is perverse in his lips, and is a fool." (Proverbs19:1)

How wrong you are about your use of the Book of Psalms!

In the previous posts, we talked about the usefulness of the book of Psalms. In this post we will use real life experiences of some people who talked to me about their experiences in the use of the Book of Psalms to discourage certain unchristian and ill doctrine of some pastors and 'churches'. A.  Do not use the words of the Psalms to conjure strange spirits, practice sorcery, witchcraft and occultism. Be careful, you may be led to such practices by trusting and following a particular leader, prophet, or pastor without fully understanding what you are doing. When someone you respect as a man of God tells you to do something that is not biblical, please do not do it. This is what the Bible says about it, "If there arises among you a prophet or a dreamer of dreams and he gives you a sign or a wonder, and the sign or the wonder comes to pass ( it comes true ), of which he spoke to you, saying, 'Let us go after other gods' - which you have not known- 'and

Do not Destroy Your Future in one Ugly Experience.

 The beauty of a tree is ever visible in the compound of a conscientious rich person. Although not all rich persons value the life of a tree because some would uproot the tree in quest for power expansion However, a wise and a caring rich person would give space for beauty hence he employs the crafting hands of the landscaper, the florist and the flower tender to beautify his compound that enshrines his palace within the trees thereby respecting, giving life and bringing out the beauty of it. The shrub on its own is a hell of nuisance, growing and spreading branches everywhere even blocking the palace from view and making passage uncomfortable for the king and his entourage. Nevertheless the king loves the shrub as added beauty, that is why he spares a little, for the shrub best by getting a flower tender. The tender with his pruning share, cuts of wild spreading branches, and shapes the shrub how he would for beauty. He sits back to observe it and once he is satisfied with his wor


I COULD NOT HELP BUT PRAISE GOD LAST SUNDAY AS I SAW MEN IN OUR CHURCH WORSHIPPING GOD IN THIS MANNER The Hands of Worship  Worshipping God is an excellent character, it is where you forget all your worries and pour out your gratitude towards God for all the reasons you could remember and most importantly, for who He is. Good, Good, God! If praising God is all that it takes to unity Christians, let's do it. Praise God. Loving God this way helps us to relinquish pride knowing fully well that, without God we are nothing.

Are You a Builder or a Destroyer?

God created all things and asks us to procreate. Those who build have amazing pain taking characteristics encapsulated in one word, patience. It takes them time to come up with an idea, they patiently work through this idea, planning, designing and redesigning, analyzing it, costing it before executing it. The implementation may take years but one day they unveil the building and monitor it. It is good to behold with our eyes, welcoming to explore and valuable to ensure. Their joy is not the money they get from such endeavor, their real joy is the usefulness of such and the value of such to the end users. Yes, that is the essence of creation. Have you ever imagined what it took God to build the universe- the earth, the waters, and the sky? How much did he spend, who has ever monetarily evaluated God's creation? There is much to this than we imagine. Our God is wonderful. He loves and values us. On the contrary, we seem not to value one another how could we value other creature

If you Love God You Will Love Other People

"Owe no one anything except to love one another, for he who loves another has fulfilled the law." Romans13:8,  Today is Sunday and every Christian will go to church to partake in the worship of the One True God Almighty. After service everyone will go to his/her respective homes and works and live out one's Christian life. One thing that identifies and separates a real Christian and makes him/her to be singled out from a group is his/her show of love. Today if you are a Christian but you have an iota of hate for other people, you must pause and reflect your justification for the hate (Matt5:44. 2Sam19:6). If you are a child of God, you must inherit the good part of your father. Every part of God is good but he calls himself Love. He loves everyone, he never hates. He hates evil and speaks to the hearts of those who practice wickedness to repent. He is a God of many chances and lavishes his love on us. If you identify with him then you are obligated to love lik

Do Your Part and Leave the Rest for God

I'm doing my part Relationship is all our problem and relationship is all that we need. The problem is that, we do not understand what relationship entails. We may not understand what we are saying or doing when we assume to be in a relationship. If we understand the yes and no of relationship, this world would be a safe place. When you expect everyone to be good to you before you start enjoying the relationship you are in, I am sorry because you will remain joyless. this is not a curse it is a reality, from experience. You must take a positive approach to keep your relationship on the sunny side so that you may enjoy your life.  I always would say, do your own part and commit the rest to God, and you will be shouting Hallelujah!!  For one to be able to stay in a good and profitable relationship with one's brother, mother, father, friends and spouse, one must first have a perfect relationship with God. If you do not have a warm relationship with God how would your relati



Would You Rather Hire Someone to Read the Bible and Pray for You?

 I have developed the idea of checking my faith and spiritual wellbeing by asking myself some questions that would help me to know when I am strong or weak in my relationship with God. First I would ask myself what makes me a Christian. Am I a Christian? A Christian is someone who believes in one God through Jesus Christ. He/she is a person whose life is transformed to live the life of Jesus Christ. A Christian is one who has accepted Jesus Christ as Lord and savior and lives everyday by the precepts and statutes of the Lord. He is someone who depends on God knowing that with God it is well with him. His life is constantly growing spiritually, renewing his mind and living on the word of God. Are you a Christian? If yes, I am glad because I am your sister. However, do you take care of your spiritual health?  If your answers to these questions below is yes, then you are healthy but if there is any no to one of these questions then you need to do some spiritual check ups. You need to


What is the Purpose of the Book of Psalms? Since psalms mean songs, the main purpose of the psalms is for singing. From the content of each psalm we know the kind of song it is. From the beginning of the Psalms 1 to the end of Psalms 150, prominent is God, His eminence, might, His creative power, His provision, guidance, counsel, and Love. His abhorrence of sin and evil, His loving kindness and forgiveness, well spelt out. The call for men to worship God, the only true God as well as the denouncing and condemnation of Idol worships made it clear that the book of Psalm is dedicated to the worship of God.     The Usage There are two main usages, 1.      For Corporate worship 2.      For individual/personal devotion to God The use of Psalms in the public or communal worship became popular during the reign of King David who wrote over 73 of the psalms. He and his contemporary musicians put these psalms into musical rhythms with instruments to the worship of God. Prior to