Every Journey Needs a Map, How do you get your directions?

Take a deep breath, inhale deep and exhale long enough to shower your brain with moisture. Remember that whatever decision you make becomes part of your life and legacy. I want to tell you this story, may be it will be useful to you when you are pressured. I have been praying and waiting on the Lord for financial breakthrough. It was like, what I am doing was not helping my family, I am praying for a change of direction in my line of business. I was sure that I needed to do something but I need God to guide me to the right thing to do.
Watch out for the green Light!
Last night I had a dream. I saw myself in a suburban city. There were many hungry looking human beings. Prominent among the people I recognized was my former land Lord's ex-wife. I was going to a place and she had already been to the place. We met, as we were going opposite directions. She told me that there were nothing good where I was going. I was late, she went before but could not get anything. She was really frustrated by her daughter and she was placing a curse on her as she started heading home. I turn back and followed her. I did not go home with her, I made a left turn instead of going straight with her. She went her way. The path I took turn out to have steps descending to a valley. I took the steps without difficulties. Down the slope there were small houses, some were completed while others were not plastered. I was not interested in the constructions. I was heading past the small village but the path ended. I walked around one of the small houses and bursted out backed to the path I came through. I knew in my mind that I have to go back to the main path and continue my journey. As I walked along ascending the slope, I woke up.
This dream troubled me through out the day. I continued to pray to God about it. I remembered that I was praying to God to help me to make a job decision. The truth is that I wanted to continue establishing myself as a writer but my financial situation was pushing me to take up a menial job so that I could make some money to help my immediate needs. What could the dream be telling me? I believe that the dream is telling me that the path down to this job is easy. People who are into it are really establishing and creating a new estate but the path to it is more beautiful than the estate it leads to. There is nothing enticing there, the people are barely surviving.
Could the descending, stepped sloppy path be telling me, that I am down grading myself by taking up the job? It is a no-go area! I really don't fully understand it. I will continue to pray to God until I fully understand it. For the meantime, I will wait and not make any life decision until I am sure.
I am telling you this story, so that you will know the importance of seeking God's guidance when making an important decision. You tell God what you want and He will speak to you concerning your request to Him. Dream is one way God talks talk to us. Dreams are full of symbolic codes that when we decode them through prayer, we would not make many mistakes in our decisions. One bad thing we can do to our life is to allow ourselves to be under pressure for a decision. We must give ourselves a long time to pray about a thing before we could categorically say, it is going to be like this or that.
These are the advices I have grown to give myself concerning making decisions, it may be helpful to you too.

  • Do not make a decision under pressure
  • Any emergency and life threatening decision should call 911 (Psalm91:1)
  • Research it and be aware of the consequent end result
  • Ask someone who has experience on the matter.
  • Do not be ashamed of admitting that you do not have control of the matter.
  • Pray about it before you take any of the above solutions
Because it affects our lives, we must take a complete map of the journey before we embark on it.


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