Have You Formed This Habit Yet, or are You Still Waiting?

Dear Reader,
Did you pray before turning on your computer or cell phone this morning? You see, prayer is what distinguishes you from an ordinary person. Prayer is a relationship with God. You should pray about everything and wherever you are. Prayer does not take extra time than your early morning or late evening workout routine. The problem is that many Christians do not pray as they ought to pray because of many reasons, legitimate it may seem but when you understand prayer as a life wire of faith, you will pray like you never before. When you understand what prayer is to you, you will make it to appear in your daily life schedule.
What is prayer?
Prayer is communicating with God. Prayer is crying out to God. Prayer is praising God through songs and worship. Prayer is when you think about God and make Him fill every facet of your heart and mind, i.e reflecting and contemplating. Prayer is calling out to God and asking Him for some help, thanking Him for what he has done or what he is about to do for you. It is not complicated. It is as easy as talking to a friend, it is less difficult than standing before your boss to ask for a legitimate favor. Prayer is easy but a lot of people do not pray.
Why do people find it difficult to pray?
Some of the excuses people give for skipping prayers are,

  • "I do not have enough time in the morning to pray because I have to get the kids ready for school and drop them off to school then I speed all the way to work and I am late most of the times. It sucks, I know I should be praying."
Have someone ever told you, 'take a deep breath, relax.' Praying when you wake up in the morning is like taking a deep breath before you start your morning routines. Needless to count minutes, just let your Father in heaven know that you are grateful to wake up then handover everything that your day is like, and let him help you through it. He never fails. He will remove the stress of being a perfect person from you while you enjoy a perfect relationship with everyone around you

  • I do not have a place where I can really pray to God. So I make it a point to pray only the days I go to the Church.
Everyone has a perfect place to pray. The perfect place is the heart. Whenever your heart conceives prayer, pay attention and give a moment to God. Your heart is a sanctuary unto God. You are the temple of God. You clean your heart and God will live in you. If God is living inside of you, you need not go anywhere to pray to Him. You carry Him about anyway. This does not mean that you should not pray with other people, it means that you have no excuse than to pray.

  • I have time, and room for prayer but my problem is that I do not know how to pray and what to pray. Sometimes I sit down and my mind drift off to other things.
This is not a big problem. Continue taking time to pray, read the Bible (Psalms) and one day you'll become a prayer warrior. Pray about everything, pray the news, the church, the nations, the men, the children, work, etc. You agree that there are so many prayers to make in this our erring world.

For more on prayer, checkout 
www.outskirtspress.com/theindubitablebattle www.outskirtspress.com/theindubitablebattle for a book on prayer and the right attitude to prayer. This book will teach you everything you want to know about prayer. You can also check it out on amazon @ www.amazon.com/author/dmasterkey4christians The Indubitable Battle

Please pray, join other people to start praying for our world. Start from where you are and the Lord will perfect His work.
May the Lord continue to bless and keep you. If you are reading this and you feel like talking to me, please do not hesitate to do so. I want people to join me to pray for the refugees and Middle East
With the Love of God, I pray for you that you will not ignore the call of God upon your life.
Have a wonderful day


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