Growing up, graduating from any level of education is also an introduction into another new level of learning. It may be conventional, like regular classroom setting, unconventional like learning-as-you-go, new work opportunities, relationship successes and disappointments. For a fresh person, who has been in the perfect care and protection of fathers, mothers, godfathers and godmothers, you may experience a lost or you may dive into the abyss of unsuccessful trials to cope, kind of life. I was a victim of it all but a time came in my life when I learned that no one can accept me, no one can affirm me and no one can create or lead me to success except I. From that moment, I started another school of self-discovering. I was quick to discover that I cannot know who I am until I know who my mother and father were. It was pathetic so, I believed. It gave me strength because the entire soul searching revealed to me that my parents were just lost like I was until they found themselves in the hands of the creator of all things. Are you better than I was? Good for you, but if you are not then, seek relieve. And the perfect relieve comes from trusting and walking with God through Jesus Christ.

I decided to search the creator and I found him complete and not lacking. He made me know that I could be complete if I embrace Him and take up my cross and follow Him. I did exactly that, although I am still learning to trust him. My life is better then how it used to be. Consider letting Him into your life because it will even be better than your life before now. I know you are doing just fine but try to befriend Him and see the immeasurable assess to a free and less stressful life.
Have you ever found out that life is an endless chasing after, avoiding this or that, celebrating success and decrying failures, hurrying to avoid being late and looking fit and beautiful? Have you ever asked the question, when will all this end? Why am I working too hard, making the money but never resting or settle down for a moment and enjoy my life? The answer will come, when you actually look into the reasons you embark on certain projects. Does it worth it? You may be as cautious as never seen on earth, you will not be able to prevent some happenings like the natural disaster. That would prompt you to think about giving up, but not at all. Rather, turn to the one who knows all things, who takes your burden so that you could walk tall and proud. He is your maker and he is better than any other thing you can trust.
If you believe an iota of what I am sharing with you, please read Jeremiah 31. It is about the promises God made to anyone who would return to him. God bless you and make your path straight unto Him.


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