Hello Beloved in the Lord, Friends and Family,
As you see that, our world is troubled. In some cases we do not have solutions. In some areas, we assume that we know the right thing to do, yet at long run, we discover that our considered opinions and strategies do not work well. This does not in anyway suggest that we are not smart. It only shows that we are not perfect and no one has it all. You know that, when we as individuals have problems, we cry out to the government. The government through her various arms, locally and internationally, address such problems. Sometimes such helps come right on time, and adequately satisfies our demands but in some other circumstances such helps seem to ridicule our needs and desires and we cry out to the general public for opinions and activism. At this we blame, we curse, we threaten and some fear-gripped and heartless individuals go on rampage killing people they are actually trying to protect.
If you are an African, you will agree with me that in a village where, every family is conducting a burial ceremony, that something is terribly wrong. It is either the gods are angry or a wicked person is living among the people. The village, in desperation and quest to stop such drop dead would consult the gods. In many cases, in such consultations, sacrifices and rituals are required and effected. This is done to sanitize or purify the land by appeasing the gods. I am thinking that the entire world has reached the thresh hold of seeking divine intervention.
I can hear the Igbo's in Nigeria pointing fingers at the Federal government. You hear the Federal government threatening to physically combat the youths, then from nowhere the already contained Boko Haram struck Boom! in the North. Then we turn back and start cursing. I hear the republicans and democrats in America blaming one another and the conservatives shouting, "We stand our ground!" Politics becomes the most lucrative business in the world, everyone wants to become the president so that he can change power and work for the betterment of the people. You know how this works out throughout the world. Really, do you think that we really need politics for the world to experience peace? We are not seeing this, rather, politics should be played better than it is today. It should be like insurance, pooling all the intelligence together for the good of all. Does it really matter who is the president if he is encouraged to lead well? 
The issue as I see it is beyond politics and power. It is people. People are dying amass, people are jobless, people are sick and people are crying out for help. People are idle and dreams of life are left unfulfilled, leaving many sad, bitter and mad. People recline to absurd characters, and the government and allies left wondering what to do. This is the deterioration of our values and our entire pride is at stake. As it is today, the government of every nation is as vulnerable as the people they govern, short to say that the government is the people and the people is the government. Do we continue to watch our dear world die away so violently? Remember, Armageddon is not yet here. Do not mistake these phenomena.
We can do something, like the tiny African village contending against deaths; there is some consultations to do. When we have done everything humanly possible to solve a problem and the problem continues to enlarge, then we should do something humanly impossible, may be the problem will go away. Let us start consulting our God/gods. I say gods because I am not summoning only Christians to this, I am calling on every religion, anyone that believes in something. Let us turn to our God for help. As a Christian, I base my call for this World Prayer summit on 2Chronicles&:14,
"If my people who are called by my name will humble themselves, and pray and seek My face, and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven and will forgive their sin and heal their land."
You see, for we to help the government to govern us well, we have to do this. We have to start praying more as individuals wherever we are and as a corporate body when we gather at the churches, temples, houses and wherever man would be. Let us consult God as one voice asking for mercy and forgiveness of our individual and common sin.


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