Hatred, Not Good For You

What is hatred?

The dictionary definition of hatred is a condition or a state of strong dislike. Hatred is also an ill will. In other words, hatred is a hostile, unfriendly, unkind determination against something or someone. The Bible includes hatred among others as foolishness and living in the darkness.

• Hatred is foolishness (Titus3:3)
• Hatred is living in the darkness (1John 2:9)

Hatred is a natural response to negative stimulus. We have the natural instinct to respond negatively to any action that opposes or infringes our freedom. We tend to withdraw, avoid, shut down communication or snap at such negations with negativity. God intends that His children to live in freedom of association and we know that no man can live isolation and succeed long enough. Loving one another and everything, that God bless us with makes interaction easy and gives us freedom. Living in happiness and tolerance promotes healthy life and longevity. What does hatred do? It is like cancer in the bones. It cripples health because it produces toxic waste in the body system breeding anger, pain, anxiety, obnoxiousness and impulsiveness. Hatred for someone will lead you into a number of sins if you refused to control it. As a matter of facts, hatred might take over your freedom and start controlling you. It is not a welcomed state of mind, to live in hatred not even, for someone who really hates you.

There is the tendency for one to justify hatred, however, as a Christian hatred for someone is unjustifiable. Jesus wants us to love one another and we must try to exercise that obligation because it pays to love even your enemy. Notwithstanding, we are to hate anything/anyone that stands between God and us. I will definitely not associate with anyone who constantly opposes my relationship with God. I will love the one from afar by praying that God deliver the one.

The word of God says to,

• Hate evil (Psalm 97:10; Amos 5:15) Evil includes lying under oath, bearing false witness, witchcraft, killing, etc.
• Hate the work of those who turn away from God (Psalm 101:3)
• Hate every false way (Psalm119:104, 128, 163)
• Hate those who hate God, they hate you anyway (Psalm 139:21, 22)

What does hatred do?

• Hatred stirs up strife (Pro 10:12)
• Hatred makes you a liar(Pro 10:18)
• Hatred make you a slanderer and a fool (Pro 10:18)
• Hatred makes you unlovable and you cannot love (Ps 109:5)
• Hatred produces, envy, jealousy, malice and revenge

You have hatred in you,

• If you hate discipline (Ps 50:17)
• If you hate God (PS 81:15)
• If you hate knowledge (Pro1:22)
• If you hate your children (Pro13:24)
• If you hate your parents (Exodus 20:12; Pro 20:20)
• IF you are jealous of someone
• If you have envy in you
• If you keep malice
• If you seek revenge.

What to do to overcome hatred and live free

• Do what Jesus did to those who hated Him
• Love those who hate you ( Luke 6:27)
• Pray to God for the Holy Spirit to purify you mind and thought
• Pray to God to give you the spirit to overlook wrongs and forbear.
• Pray that you start practicing forgiveness.

Check out this book, The Indubitable Battle by Chinyere Echefu www.amazon.com/author/dmasterkey4christians It is awesome for someone who wants to start or maintain a solid relationship with God, through effective fervent prayer life.


Anonymous said…
Love, is the key to live FREE!

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