Let the world around me go wrong, I will strife to be right

What is going on?
We call observable positive changes in a social setting civilization. It was civilization when man started documenting events in carvings, sculpture and wood as well as stone inscriptions. Hence, one carving could tell volume of stories, if it were, written with the alphabet, we use in this generation. Hieroglyphics from Africa, the Roman numerals, Greek alphabets Aramaic and Arabic writing e.t.c showed the cradle of language and writing civilization. Gradually, the world developed standard languages in letters and numerals. Another aspect of civilization is the art of clothing with fabrics. The materials used in, sewing and coloring/dying came a long way. In the beginning there were no clothes to cover the skin and people went about their business bared as God created them and when they invented cloth it was not large enough to cover the entire body hence they were half clothed. Today there are different kinds of coverings made to suit us for weather and occasions. This was civilization, now we are completely covered and the fashion world became lucrative and enticing. Not to dwell much on the civilization but good to know that everything that makes life comfortable, man invented for such purposes. Up until today, man continues to discover new needs and means of satisfying those needs. Examples include cell phone, computer, and the interactive social media. God gave man the intellectual ability and no other specie created by God can attain it.  Man excelled most in science and technology.  Indeed, we are living a better life however, not many of us are happy and comfortable and not everyone is able to get all the happiness that science and technology are providing. We wonder why happiness becomes so elusive. Then we noticed that as we pursue happiness we leave the real source of happiness behind us. The real source of happiness is INTEGRITY!  
 The pursuit of comfort and happiness led us to the pursuit of money. We pursue money because we need money to buy comfort and happiness. While we work hard to get this money, we abandon every sensibility in us, our ears become deaf, our eyes blind, nostrils widen, tongues tightened and our hearts seared with hot iron; we bow down to worship mammon. The result, family abandoned, children neglected, the government steps in to take care of the children by reassigning parents to the children to help children out of danger and out of the street. Yes, out of the streets but inside the jail and restricted. They become terror and everyone lives in fear.  Where is the happiness, where is the comfort we seek leaving our lives without coverage? Integrity is the coverage a man has. You may attain the highest academic achievement, if you do not have integrity, your education will earn you no happiness and comfort. You may work hard to become the wealthiest or stumble into wealth, without integrity your wealth will not profit you because true happiness does not come from much wealth. You may become the number one or first in everything, without integrity you will be in perpetual lacks. Integrity builds a strong nation. It gives strength and prerogative to the humble. Integrity is the opposite of moral laxity. Our world is losing morality at the fastest rate and fear should grip every nation. We have to wake up and start restoring morality in our homes, schools, religious institutions and organizations and in the public places. The law should restore the rights of teachers as parents and guidance in our schools too.  We must get hold of our youths to restore their lives because right now they are in decadence. They think they got it all but we know their lacks. We have to instill the fear of God in the hearts of our children. We need individual, family and community spiritual revivals all over. Let us teach our children self-worth and integrity.
To be continued


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