What you do with your circumstances is your choice, your life

In the course of life on earth one encounters circumstances which may become obstacles or opportunities depending on how one reacts in, and to the circumstances. It is up to you to make your circumstance an obstacle against your progress or make it a bridge that would lead to the mountains of potential opportunities. Take for example, a young girl was raped when she was 13 years old by her sister's husband. She told her sister about the rape but she did not believe her. This young girl lived with her sister and was repeatedly raped by her brother- in-law until she turned 18 years. She carried the fear, intimidation and shame throughout her high school courses. She did not tell anyone about it because she did not think that anyone would believe her; if her older sister whom she trusted could not believe her, who else would, she rationalized. During this period, she busied herself researching on rape victims and how they survived. She also tried to see answer, to the question, why me. As she researched, she also documented her researches and commented her concerns. Immediately after her graduation she moved away from her sister and her rapist husband to another state where she gained admission to study Arts and writing. It will not surprise you that the first writing project she did was "You did not believe me, wait until you read this". Her teacher picked interest on her and encouraged her to tell her story which in due course became a bestseller. In this case, her unfortunate circumstance became a bridge which landed her into an opportunity many had sought with little success.
We could tell the same story the other way. Let us assume that after being raped repeated she decided to save her dear life. Since she did not know where to go for rescue, she decided to do something so that her sister would believe her. Her sister was a nurse and worked night shift while she and her sister's husband stayed home to take care of the children. At midnight when all the children had gone to sleep, he would sneak into this young girl's room to rape her. On this ill-fated night, she went to her room with a sharp kitchen knife. She laid down on her bed waiting for him to open the door. She knew that he would come so she waited with the knife under her pillow. Then he came in and she received him warmer than ever. He was happy and comfortable but he did not know that it would be the last time he would do it with her. She waited until when he was climbing the peak then she took the knife and slashed off his man and they were drenched in his blood. While he was confused and yelling, fear pulled her out of the bed and she ran out side as quick as she could. She called the police and told them that she had just killed her brother-in-law. When the police came, they saw him alive with his man in his hand in the pool of blood. They arrested her. That was how she started living a life, tagged criminal. Though she fought for her life and right but her actions have limited her progress and gave her a negative brand name.
You are in the circumstance and how you manage it depends on you. I will only tell you to always listen to your inner voice which speaks favor and strength. Do not listen to the voice that shouts, self-pity, vengeance, evil because they do not foster progress and victory. The bible gave us many examples of people who used drastic measures in their circumstances and were cursed. There were also examples of those who made profitable use of their circumstances to advance greatly in their endeavors. Joseph was one of them (chapters 37-41).  Jesus was not more respected by the Jews of His time than we are being respected by this generation, yet he won the heart of many by living a non-violence life. But Cain killed his brother Abel being jealous of him (Gen. 4:1-5, 8-12). Absalom killed Ammon his brother because he raped his sister Tamar (2Samuel13:8-19; 24-ff.) He too died untimely and by the sword. Let us approach our circumstances wisely at all times with success at the back of our minds. What people do to limit you is less important to you than what you use what they did to you to succeed in life and on overall remaining innocent and unbroken.


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