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Today is Sunday, I woke up at 3:00 a.m. the debate for or not attending the church service consumed me. Would it not be better to stay at home and worship God? This debate is causing a strain in my relationship with God and I do not feel well about it at all.  Lately, I wake up every Sunday morning wishing not to go to service then like a drudge I would get ready and proceed to the church. This has been going on for the past six months. My spirit is no longer at peace with the church my husband and I attend. Left with me alone I would stop going to this church for a long time. The truth is that God already revealed the true face of this church to me but I made a conscious decision to pray through it instead of deserting the church. I took it as part of my calling to pray for the church to be receptive of the power of love. Secondly, I have a husband who believes in, just go there and worship God period. I am not that kind of a believer. I want to get involved but the church system does not welcome my kind of zeal, to be involved in the church services.

As I am writing this, I feel not belonging to the church. I go to the church these days because my husband wants us to go, not necessarily, because I am willing to go to the church. I wake up every Sunday morning grumpy and nagging and my first sentence to my husband even before we start devotion would be, ‘Are we going to church today?’ He would look at me and say, ‘What do you think?  We are going of course!’ Then I would retort, ‘You can go, I am not going. I am staying at home to worship my God in the peace of our home.’ Then he would preach to me the reason we should not forsake the assembly of the believers (Heb10:25).

The bible says do not forsake the assembly of the believers

No, this is what the bible says,

And let us consider one another in order to stir up love and good works, not forsaking the assembling of ourselves together as is the manner of some but exhorting one another and so much the more as you see the Day approaching.” (Hebrew 10:24 & 25)

The elements for gathering together include,

  1. Consider one another
  2. Stir up love in one another
  3. Stir up good work in one another
  4. Not to stop assembling together
  5. Exhorting one another

If I am not getting any of these, sir, why must I go to church? They are not giving me Christ because He is living in me. They are not teaching me the word because I have the word. They are not taking me with them to heaven because Jesus is the only one who would besides it is an individual thing. We do I have to go to the church happy and come home wishing I was never there. The Church has to consider me a member of the family of God. The relationship with one another in the church should stir me up to do-good work, serve in the church and resist the devil. If the church cares less where I‘ll be after the Sunday service then they are not doing what the Lord expects us to do. They do not exhort me. Even when I intentionally skipped services for two Sundays did anyone miss us when we eventually resumed. No one cares, she is busy preparing the best sermon to present to the congregation but forget that she is the best sermon in action.

I believe that this neglect or oversight in my church is not peculiar to my church. There is one lack or the other in all the churches I attended in the past. If my faith has not established before I joined this congregation, I would have been in ruin. No wonder, many people do not want to go to church! Some go to the services and never know much about their faith. Others, who wish to participate in the church activities suffer discriminations and legally or illegally listed off. Some do not have friends in the church to look up to in times of needs and difficult moments. Majority of the believers’ best friends are in the world yet we spend much time explaining to them why they should flee from the world.

God help me and many who feel the same to continue to look up to you and never weary. Help us to speak up against evil and injustice in the church. Help us to still, plug into churches and intercede for the church. I will continue to attend praying and praising my God. The Devil is in trouble because he cannot edge me out! I am in God hand. Amen!


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