Do I have a problem with this Christian slogan? No, I do not and yes, I do have problem with the above slogan.

I Have No problem with the Slogan:

The main purpose of Jesus coming to the world which does not know or respect who He is, which would eventually cast Him off and murdered Him is to draw everyone to Him. The reason He gave Himself up for crucifixion unto death is to draw the attention of the world to Him (John 12:31-34). It is obvious that the world is drawn, waxed and clued to signs, wonders, and the astrologists, magicians, philosophers and scientists ruled the world in world history (Matt 12:38-45). Up until today, we are being mesmerized and knocked of seats by the baits they pull in movie and film tricks and false highs they draw.  Jesus knowing all things knew that what man cannot do is to die, buried and come back to life. He demonstrated the power to raise the death yet His skeptics did not get it or budged rather they prospered in their evil and wicked intentions. Finally, He laid His own life down, accepted their verdict, death by hanging. That was the only sign that would shake the world like the earthquake to wake the world. He died but came back to life three days after.  The bible recorded that people started believing in Him the moment He expired,

 “Now when the centurion, and they that were with him, watching Jesus, saw the earthquake, and those things that were done, they feared greatly, saying, truly this was the Son of God.”  

(Matt 27:54 (KJV))

 It is equally important to note that thousands of people came to believe in Him and His teachings in one day as Peter ministered to them (Acts 2:14-36).

“Then they that gladly received his word were baptized: and the same day there were added unto them about three thousand souls.”

Acts 2:41 (KJV)

I personally I am excited when people give their lives to Jesus. When I see many people, who gave their lives to Jesus in Christian TV services, Christian retreats, conventions and crusades my spirit greatly lifts up. Many people give their lives to Jesus Christ in our church services every day and proudly come out standing in front of everyone committing their lives to Jesus Christ. Some actually give their lives to Jesus several times. Why, I do not understand. I guess the states of their lives prompt them to do so. This is where my skepticism about the, ‘I gave my life to Jesus’ slogan began.

I Have Problem with the Slogan

It is a good thing to give your life to Jesus and tell other believers that you have committed your life to Jesus. It is also necessary that you profess your belief when explaining your new life to your friends. The issue is speaking the slogan is not enough if you are not acting accordingly and in respect to what you accepted in your life. When you gave something to someone and when the person turns back you took it back, what does your behavior explains of your real intention? It means that you did not actually give it to the person with your whole heart. You might have acted out of pity, recognition, pride or shame with the intent to take back. This is what I presume many do when they say they gave their lives to Jesus. They were under pressure or they were expecting something from someone, or from God at that moment they proclaim Jesus Christ as Lord of their lives. 

When I was courting my husband, I did not know real gold. I had some gold plated jewelries and I was okay with what I had until I met him. He loved and possessed gold rings, chains, bangles, couplings and buttons. They were gold and he treasured them and guarded them like death.  One day I dressed up to go to church and he was to pick me up to church. When he assessed me from hair to toe, he told me I looked elegant and I was thrilled. Then he told me that he would want me to wear his gold chain since he does not wear it to church. I told him that I do not want to wear it unless I own it. He told me to take it as my upcoming birthday present. Overwhelmed by his generosity, I happily allowed him to snap it round my neck and off we went to the church. After the service, we went our ways. I have to confess that I did not attach any special caution on the chain and that is how I treat my trinkets and jewelries but this was going to be a problem with the giver of my gift. On one occasion, he expected me to have worn the chain but I did not. When he asked me why I did not wear it, I told him I would wear it some other time. When He came to visit me, he asked me to show him the chain. I went to where I kept it and handed it to him. I watched him as he examined it, as if a man would look lustfully on a beautiful young girl. When I was not looking, he put it in his pocket and I continued to serve him. I forgot to ask him to give it back to me and he did not say anything about it. One day I wanted to wear it and I did not see it to wear, I was afraid to tell him that I lost it but for Christ I courageously told him. He assured me that I did not lose it that it was with him. He tried to give it back to me on the rule that I must take care of it. On the bases that I do not have any time to put my heart on a mere gold, I refused to accept it this time. The reason I told this story is to prove to you that my husband did not give me his gold chain for keep. He gave it to me to manipulate me, to control me and to make me feel and appear important and gorgeous for him. He did not let me use it the way I would use what is mine.  He took it back because it was too much for him to lose to me. When you give your life to Jesus, do you give yourself to him to use or do you give him your life to take it back to do what you want with it?

I give my life to Jesus means I commit my entire life to doing things in Jesus’ style. Do you know Jesus’ style? It is all about believing and doing what you belief. You will not understand your Christian belief until you start being a Christian. The question is; are you committed to what you believe?


Readings: John 3:16, 36                 


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